<<as a fellow canadian who lives here I can confirm some of the things you say is partially true
thier is racism in the south
but you must understand there is much tolerance also
<<pretty much all the black universities are in the south
these are colleges with greater reps than Ivy leagues
true the n-word is used with great frequency by white folks in the south
but it`s also the prefered place to live by african-americans>>
I've BEEN in the South when it was still segregated. When blacks were being killed for standing up for their rights and all-white juries would let the killers walk free time after time after time. That kind of racism runs deeper than ANYTHING that existed up north. It was the lifeblood and mother's milk of an entire society, and nobody with half a brain could ever believe that that kind of deep-seated societal prejudice is just going to melt away in one or two generations. That is absolute and total bullshit.
Sure there's racism in the North. There's racism in Canada. But there's no racism that compares with the racism of the deep south. The historical roots, the culture of violence, sadism and brutality combined with ignorance, fanaticism and religious bigotry is a unique mix of satanic impulses that exists almost nowhere else on earth. Sure there's progress - - the racism is driven underground now, people realize that it's something that they can no longer speak of openly, so it's revealed in coded messages, attacks on "welfare recipients," on "illegal immigrants," on "liberal East Coast elites" or "Hollywood liberals," but it never vanished into thin air the way they like to pretend. And every once in a while, one of them oversteps the line, says something that tips his hand, reveals what's lurking just under the surface, because not only are racists basically cowards who shrink from the light of day, they are also monumentally stupid as well (obviously, if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be racists.)
So we have these illuminating "moments of truth" where some stupid bastard, be it Trent Lott, be it Senator Macacawitz, opens his dumb fucking mouth and says something that undoes all the years of carefully and faithfully speaking only in the code in public and then the press is shocked -- - SHOCKED, I tell you - - to find out that Holy Batshit, BatMan, there's RACISTS in the Deep South still.