The point T made was that juries in America have been become oriented to race. Anybody after OJ is obtuse if they deny that.
In Florida, the panhandle Whites, who carry in attitude more of the Darling Dixie dogma than a much larger portion of the South, can be counted on exonerate anyone capable in this day and age of wasting a nigger. Much different than Pennsylvania.
I have heretofore hesitated in expressing opinions of the panhandle and Jacksonville, home to perhaps the largest contingent of many White Supremasist Hate groups in the nation, since people are oh so sensitive to the fact that the South has trully presented to the nation as a heritage a continuing horror.
Racism is spread throughout American, and is impacted in the South. The fact that racism has spread from the slavery south to the rest of the nation is no argument worth merit; racism in this country was distilled in meaning by the slavery angle. One must have contempt for slaves in order to avoid other conscience nudges. If there had been no slavery in American, black immigrants would have faced an easier initiation than they have all--ALL, TO THIS DAY--experienced. They continue to suffer due to the south's lack of true contrition. It is their recalcitrance to the crimes against humanity that serves to continue to feed racism
These catcalls, posse cooing emote jokes, winking piling on--all prove only one thing: lacking any substance relating to the point, they by their very vapid nature contribute nothing to the debate of Racism.
It is a tactic common amoung racists--change the subject and begin to catcall.