How do you handle mosquitoes in the barrels?
I'm also looking for an external pump to boost the gravity feed. Any ideas?
Window screen. Put it on the top of the barrel, cinch it on permenantly. It will slow the entry, but not much. You can adjust by just letting it sag some in the middle.
I bought eight large window screens at the flea market because they had a tight mesh, to insure keeping out mosquitos.
Haven't had a problem at all with mosquitoes as a result.
I assume your second question is about speeding delivery from the barrel to wherever.
If that is what you mean, I put mine on concrete blocks, three high, which facilitates the drain.
Any kind of pump to push one rainbarrel full seems impractical.
Where I live, the max pump submerged allowed is one horse power; above ground pump, two horse power. This is about a well water setup, and not water from rain.
But if I have missed your point, there are pumps out there floating all around in all sizes.
I have probably a half dozen, from a Jacuzzi half horse to two swimming pool pumps and assorted small garden pumps. Total investment, about $l6, all products carefully vetted at the flea markets and garage sales.
For emergencies, I have one of the old fashioned, pre-power pump hand pumps they used on all farms, the ones you have to prime and then pump up and down. I made sure I got one that was used only on water, and not some twenty-fourth century super cleaning solvent.
Rain barrels as a business is not a bad idea.