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Islam's Peace Offensive
« on: October 16, 2007, 02:51:14 PM »
Islam's Peace Offensive

By Stephen Brown and Jamie Glazov | 10/16/2007

In a move eerily reminiscent of the Soviet "peace offensives", 138 leading Muslim scholars have composed a letter to Christianity's leaders, with Pope Benedict's name heading the list, requesting a meeting to discuss the "common essentials of our two religions." The authors warn that "the survival of the world" is at stake if the two religions do not make peace, which, the Muslim authors believe, is possible since the basis of Islam and Christianity is "the two commandments of love."

While it is at least admirable that these learned representatives of Islam acknowledge that their religion is at war with Christianity (since much of the Christian world is in denial), the main sticking point, the letter makes clear, is the aggressive nature of Christianity. The Muslim scholars emphasize that: "As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them - so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes."

The problem with this theme, however, is that the religious believers being oppressed and driven out of their homes in the world today are Christians, and other non-Muslims, who find themselves trapped under Muslim rule. It is not surprising that the Muslim scholars' "peace" letter nowhere mentions the murder of Palestinian Christian Rami Ayyad, who was recently abducted, tortured and murdered in Gaza City. Six months earlier, a bomb had destroyed his Christian bookstore, the Holy Bible Society. Ayyad's murder and the bombing of his bookstore are consistent with the pattern of barbaric violence that is being carried out by Muslims against Christians in the Gaza strip today, particularly by a jihadist group that calls itself "The Righteous Swords of Islam."

Christians living under the Palestinian Authority are habitually brutalized and must now practice their religion in secret. Hamas is planning to enforce the jizya, the special tax mandated by the Qur?an (9:29) for Jews and Christians. Christian women, meanwhile, must veil themselves or face dire consequences. A few years ago, members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades shot dead two Christian women for not wearing the Islamic veil. The Muslim group explained: ?We wanted to clean the Palestinian house of prostitutes.?

It is no wonder then that a mass exodus of Christians is occurring under the Palestinian Authority - just as has been the case almost everywhere where Christians have been trapped under Islamic rule. Bethlehem used to be 85 per cent Christian sixty years ago. Today, after decades of Muslim persecution, Christian believers in one of Christianity's most holy sites comprise only 15 per cent of the population.

In Iraq, meanwhile, Christians are the victims of a reign of terror being waged by Muslims ? a tragedy epitomized by the murder of Syrian Orthodox priest, Fr. Boulos Iskander, by Muslims in the Iraqi city of Mosul. To be sure, Rami Ayyad?s and Fr. Iskander?s tragic fates represent the victimization of all Christians, everywhere from Egypt to Pakistan and from Sudan to Nigeria, at the hands of Muslims. Christians in these Islamic settings suffer constant discrimination, harassment and persecution.

In the context of these ugly realities, the question must be asked: why did the Muslim authors of the "peace" letter not mention these ingredients of Muslim-Christian "relations"? Why did they not condemn the persecution of Christians by Muslims and denounce the teachings on which this persecution is based? Why did they not acknowledge that it is Muslims, not Christians, who are killing other Muslims and driving them out of their homes today? For instance, the United Nations calls Darfur the worst human rights situation in the world today. It is a place where Muslims have killed about 300,000 of their fellow Muslims. And the worst case of war being waged against Muslims on account of their religion exists between Shiites and Sunnis -- who slaughter each other off in Islamic countries like Iraq and Pakistan in the thousands. Al Qaeda and its extremist allies are no slackers when it comes to killing Muslims, the Algerian civil war being a good example. Oppression and honor murders of Muslim women in both Islamic and western countries are also not committed by Christians and peoples of other faiths. It is Muslim men who oppress them, not just driving them out of their homes, but also throwing them to their deaths over the balconies of their domiciles. Why did the Muslim authors of the "peace" letter not mention these facts?

If the Muslim authors of the ?peace? letter truly wanted to make peace with Christians, one would also think that their letter would have contained a categorical rejection of traditional Islamic law that mandates the death penalty for any Muslim who leaves Islam, in accordance with Muhammad?s command: ?Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.? Indeed, this is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence. Thus, Muslims who have converted to Christianity have suffered -- and continue to suffer -- vicious persecution all over the Islamic world. Christianity, meanwhile, has no equivalent of such a teaching and Christians are free all around the world to convert to the religion of their choosing -- including to Islam without a fear for their lives.

It is also curious: why did the Muslim authors not include a condemnation of Sura 9:29 of the Qur'an, which commands Muslims to fight Jews and Christians until they "pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued"?

At the same time, why did they also not renounce the imperative in Islam to subjugate the world under the rule of Islamic law, which is deeply embedded within Islamic theology (see Qur'an 9:29, discussed above; Sahih Muslim 4294; and a host of other evidence from all the Sunni madhahib and Shi'ite sources as well). Indeed, all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence teach that it is part of the responsibility of the umma to subjugate the non-Muslim world through jihad. Muslims waging jihad against the West perpetually justify their acts on the basis of what they read in the Qur'an. If Islam and Christianity are truly to exist peacefully, isn't it vital that this reality be dealt with by Muslims who want true peace with Christianity?

If the Muslim authors of the letter truly wanted peace, one would also think that they would have mentioned and repudiated Qur'an 5:17, which says that those who believe in the divinity of Christ are unbelievers, or 4:171, which says that Jesus was not crucified, or 9:30, which says that those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God are accursed. One would think they would know it is common sense that renouncing these teachings is a mandatory stepping stone to better relations with Christians.

Overall, the main issue ignored by this letter is that it is the Christian West that has shown its tolerance and respect for the Muslim religion by allowing millions of its adherents to immigrate here, to build their mosques and religious schools (sometimes with taxpayers' money), proselytize and practice their faith unmolested, protected by scores of laws and human rights codes. Which begs the question: if Christianity was so aggressive and thought itself at war with Islam, why would it allow millions of the enemy's followers to settle within its borders? Church leaders in Muslim countries would be overjoyed to enjoy just a slight percentage of the freedoms and legal protections granted to Islam in western countries. And what has the West received in return for its tolerance? The attacks of 9/11, the Paris riots, the Madrid and London bombings, and countless other thwarted terrorist attacks ? not to mention ?peace? letters accusing it of an exterminating aggression.

The Muslim "peace" letter and its calling of a Christian-Muslim peace conference reminds one of the old Soviet practices of always claiming victim status and talking peace while waging war around the world -- and at home against its own people. And the Soviets always approached peace talks with the one-way street attitude: what's ours is ours; what's yours is negotiable. Even from the theological point of view, the Bishop of Rochester in England, Pakistani-born Dr. Nazir-Ali, says that the Muslim scholars' letter "seems to verge" on dictating "the terms on which the dialogue must be conducted." Again, that manipulative, one-way street approach.

Before any "peace talks" are held, it would be wise -- and fair - for the Muslim scholars to prove their sincerity in desiring real peace and tolerance between the two religions. They must unequivocally condemn the terrorism committed in the name of Islam; they must renounce violent jihad and dhimmitude as obstacles to peace; they must renounce the more offensive parts of Sharia law, such as slavery and discriminatory laws against women and non-Muslims; and they must call for the end of all restrictions on minority religions in Islamic countries. If these Muslim scholars signed a letter supporting the building of Christian churches, even just one, in places such as Saudi Arabia, then one could believe their desire for peace was genuine.

But if these things are not done, then the peace "letter" of the Muslim scholars can be seen to be what it really is: a passive-aggressive, disingenuous, Soviet-style tactic to psychologically disarm the enemy in a larger war that these learned Muslims admit their religion is already waging.
Stephen Brown is a columnist for Jamie Glazov is the managing editor of

Michael Tee

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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 03:06:15 PM »
Hilarious.  First these ass-holes recount every fucking atrocity that the Muslims have committed against Christians.  Without mentioning ANY of the atrocities committed against the Muslims.  THEN, they use the fact of Muslim violence against Christians to argue AGAINST a peace conference with the Muslims.

Like, excuse me??  WHO are peace conferences supposed to accommodate?  The best of friends?  The most peaceful amongst us?

So what's really going on here?  It doesn't take a genius to detect the panicked hand of the Zionist bullshit factory at work here.  Any suggestion of rapprochement or peace between Christians and Muslims is a Zionist's worst nightmare.  Holy shit.  They DEPEND on Amerikkka and particularly on the fundamentalist Christian wing in Amerikkka to keep Israel supplied with megabucks, weapons and protection so they can proceed with the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank undisturbed, so they can continue to defy and sneer at the sixty-plus resolutions of the United Nations ordering them to return the West Bank and to cease all human rights violations against its inhabitants and now what's this?  Christians and Muslims discussing PEACE?? Why those dirty bastards!!  They're not gonna be allowed to get away with this shit!!  No siree Bob. 

Expect a lot more articles like this one ridiculing and discouraging any attempts at a peaceful resolution of Muslim-Christian difficulties.  "Peace" in the Zionist lexicon is a very dirty word.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 03:15:00 PM »
>>Without mentioning ANY of the atrocities committed against the Muslims.<<

Would you care to name some?

The Crusades don't count BO, much to long ago. Besides, the Muslim's asked for that one.

Hasn't the mean ole US of A recently helped out Several Muslim countries? You remember, Bill Clinton. Then there was Bush 41 saving the Wahabbi terrorist state of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Iraq doesn't count because as you people have said time and time again they are a secular nation, that's why your buddy Bin Laden had nothing to do with Saddam. It was never religious to the Iraqis, right? Remember now, this article is about religion.

So what are these atrocities? Perhaps Jimmy Carter outing the Shaw which lead to all this in the first place? That I could agree with.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 04:46:12 PM »
rich, i wouldn't hold your breath:
they have a very serious problem within Islam
the majority peaceful muslims are allowing the minority IslamoNazis to ruin the name of Islam
very sad

Once again, Islam puts up big Ramadan numbers: 1,327 dead bodies
in 282 terror attacks in 20 countries during its holiest month.
Congratulations to the Religion of Peace.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 04:50:12 PM »
>>the majority peaceful muslims are allowing the minority IslamoNazis to ruin the name of Islam<<

Which is why I said a mass movement of Muslims is the only way to stop it.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2007, 05:02:36 PM »
"Which is why I said a mass movement of Muslims is the only way to stop it"

rich i hope you are right
god i pray you are right
maybe that can happen
but i am afraid thats like saying a mass movement of germans was the only way to stop hitler
however if the mass movement of muslims does not take place to stop the IslamoNazis
there is another way to stop it
it won't be pretty
but i predict it is going to happen

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 05:07:14 PM »
Or what?

We can expect massive Muslim armor columns moving on the western world... ::)

I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
   Coat my eyes with butter
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   Stick my legs in plaster
   Tell me lies about Vietnam.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 05:19:52 PM »
"Or what? We can expect massive Muslim armor columns moving on the western world"

first it will be more of this until they get their hands on what they really want
js it's no secret
they actually publish what they intend for the west and other "infidels"

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 05:44:13 PM »

<<Would you care to name some [atrocities committed against Muslims]? >>

Invasion of Iraq (at least 100,000 dead)
Abu Ghraib
40-year military occupation of 3 million West Bank Arabs
Guantanamo Bay
Deir Yassin
Damadola Village (Pakistan)
First Gulf War (400 to 500 civilians die in bunker targeted by "smart bombs")
Iranian civilian airliner downed by U.S. Navy missile at take-off
Lebanon invasion 1982 (Sabra and Shatila massacres)
Lebanon invasion 2006
Mohammad al Dura
Muslim family picnicking on Gaza Beach blown apart by Israeli artillery shell

I could spend the whole fucking day writing down atrocities committed against the Muslims by "Christian" Amerikkka and its Jewish sidekick Israel.  But I'm the wrong guy to ask.  You should ask an Arab.  He or she could spend a month on it.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 07:06:57 PM »
>>but i am afraid thats like saying a mass movement of germans was the only way to stop hitler
however if the mass movement of muslims does not take place to stop the IslamoNazis
there is another way to stop it
it won't be pretty<<

A mass movement of Germans might have stopped Hitler. A well placed bomb almost did. Unless and until Muslim's can take responsibilty for their own religion and those whom they claim have corrupted it, you're right, it's not going to be pretty. Unless things change, there's only one way all this can end.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 07:25:02 PM »
Unless things change, there's only one way all this can end.

One utterly king-Hell humongeous hydrogen bomb that would blow everything from Morrocco to Indonesia to smithereens?  Is that what you have in mind, Bunky?

The threat to Americans from Muslim extremists is far less than the threat of a traffic fatality. If you stay out of tall buildings and airplanes, statistically you are more likely to die of Colon cancer.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2007, 07:32:37 PM »
>>One utterly king-Hell humongeous hydrogen bomb that would blow everything from Morrocco to Indonesia to smithereens?  Is that what you have in mind, Bunky?<<

I suppose that's a possibility Lumpy. There are of course other possibilities, but only time will tell. At this point in time our enemies seem to be leading us down only one path.

>>The threat to Americans from Muslim extremists is far less than the threat of a traffic fatality. If you stay out of tall buildings and airplanes, statistically you are more likely to die of Colon cancer.<<

What? lmao! There's the solution! Since terrorists only blow up tall buildings and airplanes, just stay out of them and all our problems will be solved! lmao!



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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 09:00:08 PM »
but i am afraid thats like saying a mass movement of germans was the only way to stop hitler

Except for one problem. Organizing a mass movement of Germans would have been more plausible. They were all of one nationality, living in one geographic area. When talking about Muslims you are discussing many different ethnicities with many different nationalities living in different geographic areas.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2007, 09:08:42 PM »
"Which is why I said a mass movement of Muslims is the only way to stop it"

rich i hope you are right
god i pray you are right
maybe that can happen
but i am afraid thats like saying a mass movement of germans was the only way to stop hitler
however if the mass movement of muslims does not take place to stop the IslamoNazis
there is another way to stop it
it won't be pretty
but i predict it is going to happen

What is "going to happen"?

If it is the inevitable, you should have no problem fleshing this out.


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Re: Islam's Peace Offensive
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2007, 09:52:09 PM »
"Except for one problem. Organizing a mass movement of Germans would have been more plausible. They were all of one nationality, living in one geographic area. When talking about Muslims you are discussing many different ethnicities with many different nationalities living in different geographic areas"

well Henny "yes and no"
i see your point
in some ways that is an advantage for the millions of moderate Muslims
they don't have to all come together to deter the whackjobs
just enough to create havoc for the IslamoNazis
in some ways them not being all in one place, not being all one nationality could be an advantage
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987