Okay, so Ben Affleck is a liberal actor. I'm still unclear as to why "You're a thinker; that's why you're here," is a lie
I can't speak for Rich and I did not refer to it as a "lie", but Rich probably means it is just more biased BS from a liberal commentator like Chris Matthews who probably would not introduce a conservative in the same manner. I doubt Matthews would introduce Ann Coulter as "a thinker" who graduated cum laude from Cornell University, graduated from the University of Michigan Law School, served as a law clerk for United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, and worked for the United States Senate Judiciary Committee. But Ben Affleck who is a two time college drop-out, now that guy is a "thinker". I am not saying Ben is a dummy, it's just funny to watch someone like Matthews pretend (live a lie?) he is some kind of unbaised journalist/reporter.