The draft has some relevance if the nation is attacked by the military forces of some other power. The Al Qaeda attack of 9-11 does not apply here because (1) Al Qaeda is a rather puny non-governmental entity which cannot seize and/or hold US territory, and (2) could be effectively dealt with with the volunteer army and the police we already have. Iraq did not attack the US and was no threat to the territory or the people of the US. An army the size of Sweden's or Switzerland would be more than enough to remove any threat that Al Qaeda holds.
There will be no draft for the Iraq war because a majority of the people and Congress disapprove of both the war and the draft. The draft is involuntary servitude and should be used as the cops use guns, only as a last resort. The Iraw War is not any sort of last resort. It can't be resolved militarily, only diplomatically, but the current assortment of buffoons will never resolve it. We must wait for said buffoons to be ejected to write their memoirs and expire and be replaced by more competent people with adult supervision.
Rome was a civilization from the beginning dependent on slavery and brutal repression. I do not give a damn that Rome fell. I do not agree that the US should be an empire, not a military one, nor one that dominates other people and societies against their will. Rome was born decadent, oppressive and cruel. It fell because Christianity made slavery difficult and oppression impossible. The US is not surrounded by barbarian hordes, either. Analogies to Rome are just dumb.
Iraq should be ended. The Iraqis are the only ones who can decide who runs Iraq and US occupation is causing far more problems than it solves.
It is not the obligation of the citizenry to defend stupid policies of bungling, lying, thieving leaders, and their failed policies to loot foreign nations, loot the citizens by borrowing money in their name to hire mercenary goons like Blackwater, and to piss away their resources.