<<You see Mike, there's a great big world out there were most people, sane people, disagree with you and find you and people with your mental condition repugnant.>>
I think if you took your head out of your own ass, Rich, and travelled around some, you'd find that MOST PEOPLE in the "great big world out there" actually agree with ME, and find YOU and the people like you, who exist mostly in the Benighted States of Amerikka, to be the most repugnant folks on the face of the earth. When I come across folks like that, I actually have to try to convince them that all Amerikkkans AREN'T sick, diseased Zionist fucks like you, that they're pretty decent folks, mostly so disillusioned by their lying fraudulent politicians that they don't even bother to vote, and that when they DO vote, they actually vote AGAINST Bush, but it doesn't do them any good because the elections are fixed.
<<I'm sure you meet plenty of these people if you ever leave your mothers basement and have the balls to repeat your hysterical diatribes to actual peoples faces.>>
More Rich logic - - to express my ideas face-to-face to people who, like Rich, disagree with me, takes "balls" (presumably because people who think like Rich, "sane" people, would punch my lights out.) To this sick, diseased fuck, if you disagree with somebody, especially if you are "sane" and the person you disagree with is "insane," then you express your disagreement by beating the shit out of him. Guys like Rich are dangerous - - this is exactly how the Nazis came to power in Germany, by violence and the approval of violence, against anyone who disagreed with them or stood in their way. [BTW, watch how fast Rich tries to back-pedal out of this one. He "didn't mean" that it would take balls because "sane, normal" (in his diseased brain) people would want to kick the shit out of me, he meant it would take balls because "sane, normal" people would express themselves vigorously. Fascists like Rich are stupid, which is a huge bonus for the rest of us - - they say dumb Nazi-like shit and don't even realize they are incriminating themselves when they say it. So it's fun to watch the morons try to backtrack out of it.
Try this on for size, dip-shit: Why don't YOU get out of YOUR mother's basement, travel to someplace like, I dunno, Amman, Baghdad, Jedda, Jakarta, Abu Dhabi, or even certain areas of Detroit, Los Angeles, Paris or London and show how much balls you have by discussing your ideas about Islam and Arabs and the Palestinians with the locals?