the most common pattern is alot of daughters and strangely the youngest is always a boy
P.S. not a chinese thing
it happens all over the world
the youngest tend to be boys
This seems entirely logical.
If the goal is to have a boy, when the family finally has a boy, they quit trying. The proud name of Wu, Liu, Chu or whatever has been preserved!
There are said to be only a hundred family names in China, so preserving the name is far less important than preserving the lineage of a particular part of the 'family'.
Names that need preserving should be fun ones, like Entwhistle, d'Estang and Entreambasaguas. Even if there have been more distinguished p-eople named Jones, Johnson Smith or Brown.
My guess is that the woman shortage in China will do more than even Mao to bring equality of the sexes.
Mao was more ideologically in favor of this than in reality. He thought of himself as the Guy in Control pretty much all the time.
When he was gone, his wife was declared a member of ther 'Gang of Four', and vanished from the scene.
'Gang of Four' is a funny accusation. Together Mao and Chao En-Lai were a gang of two.