Minus all the above rationalization efforts, I also do see a trend of proponents of open borders (I do appreciate Tee referencing this accurately as those opposing illegal immigration vs the inaccurate attempts of making this about opposing immigration in general) frequently omit/ignore the full picture as well, only tending to focus on the "humanity" angle, and the hope that there would be this "larger tax base" to deal with the problems that would be running rampant, when not only is that highly questionable, in the amount of increased social service expenses that would be brought in, but minus all the other negative repercussions brought about by such a policy
I'm a little curious as to why you put the word humanity in quotes.
Is that not one of the primary arguements used for open borders.....that it's more humane?
Anyway, the problem here is that you seem to keep assuming that people are ignoring part of the consequences of open borders. I do not believe that to be the case. No one is saying there won't be any problems. Many closed border arguments, however, do seem to make huge, frightening mountains of fear out of minor, certainly less frightening molehills.
And that is where we obviously disagree, especially since I'm intimate to one of those areas you keep casually dismissing as no real biggie, that of healthcare. What you believe to be some "scare tactic" is actually a highlighting some of the many severe repercussions to what you would want to impose on this country
I never said you did, only that your rationalizations of this supposed increased tax base is somehow tied to fixing all these problems, when there's no where near ANY concensus that there will be ANY increase in the tax base at all, with many conclusions referencing precisely the opposite.
Whose conclusions?
theirsand........I could go on and on and on and on. And this is simply 1 element, that of the negative impact on our economy, not the "rosy picture of a larger tax base" that you're gambling on
In essense, you're advocating a gamble, one that is well intentioned, but with arguably wreckless consequences to this country, if your gamble fails.
No. I'm not advocating anything that would be more of a gamble than California allowing people from other states to look for work in California.
California has already lost a ton of large company tax revenues, relocating to other states. The difference being, THEY'RE ALREADY HERE LEGALLY. That number is already built in to the country, from a population stand point. We're talking the notion of opening the border to flood the country with 10s of millions more people. Again Prince, NO ONE IS ADVOCATING THAT IMMIGRANTS CANT COME TO AMERICA. Simply to get in line, and do it legally
And with the scores and scores of reports, Q&A, and facts that reinforce just how bad things would get, be it to the economy, education, heatlhcare, poverty, crime & culture, I'm not taking that gamble.
I've seen lots of opinions, but no factual reports that suggest anything like what you're saying.
Then obviously you're either not paying attention or purposely ignoring such. And given your obvious position on this issue, I think I can guess which
Especially when it facilitates precisely the type of Federal Government control, that YOU yourself deplore, to come to the rescue, as it spirals out of control
What you might be missing here is that we already have government control I don't like that is in part a result of the attempt to restrict immigration.
See, a perfect example of what I'm referring to. The mammoth negative repercussions to just the healthcare delivery system alone by which you advocate, would bring about precisely the type of "crisis" the Fed is so famous for trying to fix. Welcome Federally mandated Healthcare. Thanks alot, Prince
Welcome to the viscious circle of open borders
No, actually it is the viscous circle that is government control. Like any viscous circle, if you want to break it, you have to stop feeding it.
If only you'd follow your own advice
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