<<So in a nut shell (pun intended) Tee's accusatory freefall went from Americans and their secret torture chambers>>
Waiting on the results of the Diego Garcia all-party British Parliamentary inquiry
<< --> Americans and their foreign run torture chambers >>
Same thing as the American secret torture chambers; really you should put SOME effort into reading for comprehension
<<--> Americans supporting foreign run torture chambers>>
Uh, no, you skipped, "Americans DELIVERING prisoners FOR TORTURE to foreign torture chambers; the crux of the whole accusation
<< --> Americans should know better --> "we don't know much">>
Nope. In this particular thread, there's no need to even reach for "should know" and "don't know" - - it's damning enough that they do what they do. It's a crime against humanity and a violation of the Convention Against Torture.
We're still at the one crucial accusation you completely left out of your imaginary "free-fall" - - but nice try. If there were a Nobel Prize for mendacity and mis-stating other people's arguments, you'd be a serious contender, sirs.
I do want to thank you, though, for a textbook illustration of how a valid argument can be re-stated with one crucial omission and then "debated" by you. In effect, you create from my argument, an argument of your own, missing all the key points, and then proceed to debate the altered argument. You must find it very amusing. I would think everyone else in the group can see through the trick, but just in case not, let me remind you what the accusation really is:
That the U.S. delivers prisoners to be tortured in third country torture chambers. Seems simple enough. Want to debate it? Or do you prefer to debate your own carefully hand-crafted "leftist" arguments?