When a judge orders a jury to disregard the previous testimony, odds are pretty good the jury doesn't follow the edict.
<<You forgot a few. Long discredited lies like Bush stole the election, Congress never declared war on Iraq, black voters were disenfranchised in Florida, building 7 came down because of a controlled implosion, etc.>>
You can categorize them as long-discredited lies, that is your right. However, very few sane and normal people would agree with you on most of them. The average view of most sane and normal people on each of them is as follows:
Bush stole the election: true, except it was his handlers and backers who actually stole the election; Bush isn't smart enough.
Congress never declared war on Iraq: . . .? I don't THINK they did, but I'm open to persuasion otherwise.
Black voters were disenfranchised in Florida: proven beyond doubt
Building 7 came down because of controlled implosion: who the fuck knows? The only thing I'm sure about is Tower 1 and Tower 2 were hit by planes.
Glad we got THAT straightened out.