sirs: <<Now, let's provide a couple of substitutions and watch the equivalent amount of condemnation:
<<Some additional thoughts on the subject - - Sheehan is truly despicable. She's USING her dead son and his alleged heroism as a vehicle for bashing her competition. AND promoting MoveOn's Anti-war movement at the same time. >>
WOW. I am completely blown away by the post. THANK YOU once again, sirs, for your textbook illustration of the utter divorce between real life and real feelings on the one hand and whatever passes for "thought" in the reptilian brain of a fascist like you on the other.
You obviously have no clue of the difference between Cindy Sheehan and Bill O'Reilly. I'll bet 99 people in a hundred would know the difference without thinking, but a fascist - - totally divorced from any kind of human feeling - - of course would be utterly clueless about it.
Let me help you out. And boy do you need it!
Cindy Sheehan is a MOTHER. She is a mother who has lost her son. (Ahhh, he still doesn't get it.) OK, sirs: in real life . . . ahhh, forget it. REAL LIFE? and sirs? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I give up. You're right, sirs. Bill O'Reilly feels the loss of Lt. Murphy every bit as deeply as Cindy Sheehan feels the loss of her son. After all, they're both Americans and the deceased are each dead Americans, so what's the difference? The loss of Lt. Murphy was every bit as painful to O'Reilly as the loss of Casey was to Cindy Sheehan, so of course if Bill O'Reilly chooses to exploit Lt. Murphy cynically for his own political ends, it follows that that must also be the explanation for Cindy Sheehan's performance. Why on earth think that she would be any more sincere than O'Reilly? Didn't each of them suffer the same horrific loss?
Guys, if anyone wonders how fascists like sirs or anyone else can back war and torture (ooops, sorry, sirs doesn't BACK torture, he just attempts to minimize it; I forgot, he's against the use of blow-torches in the interrogation rooms, what a fucking humanitarian!) anyway, wonder no further. For a guy who apparently can live out his whole life in total ignorance of the mother-child bond to comment on any aspect of human life seems about as absurd as a robot writing an advice-to-the-lovelorn column.
Thanks again, sirs. Your contribution was priceless.