<<OR, the one with the less emotional involvement can actually be more OBJECTIVE in their assessment, vs the one who's saturated sith so much emotion, that rational thought & objectivity is next to impossible.>>
BWAHAHAHAHA! O'Reilly!! Objective in his assessment!! YESSSS, absolutely. Stop it, sirs, you're killing me. LMAO.
Actually, it was O'Reilly who sounded angry and emotional to me:
<<Now, I don't want to hear CNN or NBC News say they support the troops. I don't ever want to hear that.>> (sound of O'Reilly's little foot stamping)
I think the original thought I expressed was that O'Reilly was the more likely to be CYNICALLY MISUSING Murphy's death than Cindy Sheehan was to be cynically misusing Casey's. I don't really expect Cindy to be perfectly rational over losing a son in Bush's totally fake and bogus war, but (and here's where folks who live in the real world really have the edge over guys like you, sirs) I DO expect her to feel an unimaginable amount of genuine grief. Lots more than Bill O'Reilly did over Murphy's loss.