<<Their methods are not all that diffrent either, the Swift boat veterans for truth were most effective with the accusations that turned out to be true , suh as imply replaying John Kerrs senate testimony unedited.>>
You lost me there, plane, I'm not sure what you're referring to.
<<Moveon.org is lest effective with charges that turn out to be untrue , of which there are plenty. Or when they seem mean which is often.>>
I'm not a big fan of MoveOn.org, I don't get my information from them anyway, so I'm not really qualified to debate you on this one. Bottom line is I don't know what you're talking about, and if I tried to contradict you, I wouldn't know what I was talking about.
<<A complete one for one comparison is a bigger project than I am up for right now , suffice it to say that Move on is not a carefull fact checker.>>
I take it from that last remark that MoveOn.org has been caught in more than one false statement. If that's true, it's not going to shake the foundations of my world. As long as they acknowledge their errors when exposed, can plausibly explain them on some basis other than sheer mendacity, apologize for misleading their readers and take effective steps to see that the problem does not recur, I would say that they are still doing good work in exposing the lies and crimes of the G.W. Bush "Presidency."