I just watched the clip on CNN this morning. They showed Clinton telling the guy to shut up, and promising an answer,then two guards hustling the young man out the door - - never bothered to show Clinton actually rebutting the guy, although probably, like good Nazis everywhere, they figured it was enough of a rebuttal just telling the guy to shut up and then hustling him out the door. THAT oughtta settle it.
It was instructive to hear the two anchors introduce the clip, something along the lines of "Well, one of the Clintons had more than he could take and really gave some back . . . " not those words exactly, but a semi-humorous encapsulation, completely pre-judging the issue (it was out-of-bounds, Loony Tunes,) belittling the questioner, and essentially validating Clinton's anger and implying that the young man deserved to be turfed out of the hall merely for asking. In big ways and small (and I'm not pretending this was anything but small) the nation's long, slow slide into fascism continues unabated.