There are several takes on this situation. Clinton should be confronted on and given opportunity to respond to accusations about 9.11 and the like.
The 9.11 Truther guy deserves answers for all the lies and obfuscation that are around about 9.11 even from someone like Bill Clinton who, though he wasn't president on 9.11, is involved in modern American history as a former president who may or may not have pursued bin Laden (the alleged perpetrator) and the husband of one of the current frontrunners for the nomination for the Dem party's bid for the presidency.
The issue is not free-speech. The nebulous issue is the conspiracy of 9.11 Whether you or I think there was one is moot. In reality, everyone thinks there was a conspiracy that led to 9.11, we simply disagree to what degree there was a conspiracy and who was involved centrally or passively.
The satellite issue is freedom of information and who controls information; meaning, the 9.11 Truther guy wants answers from Those In Charge. As a citizen of the United States of America, he has a right to redress. That right has been denied time and time again under the guise of "national security" or it has been ignored by governmental surrogates who, in my opinion, work to either outright perpetrate a cover up or actually believe in their story because they must to maintain their own sanity and beliefs about the nation.
For myself, I can only draw direct correlations between the only other situation of this type that I have spent time studying: The Assassinaton of President John F Kennedy which I believe was, however convoluted and secretive, an American coup d'?tat by believers in America Imperialism or perhaps simply Imperialism by one certain group perhaps as generic as white people or "the rich".
In the way that JFK's death led to an escalation of the Viet Nam war, 9.11 has led to a similar escalation. There were whitewash accounts of both produced by the parties involved that laid everything out so nice and neatly for their own benefit and completely ignored some very strong evidence that was contrary to what they wanted the outcomes to be in each.
Back to the nebulous and satellite issues though, the 9.11 Truther has a right to redress and there are proper bureaucratic channels for that redress. The problem is that redress is often ignored because the 9.11 Truth movement is supposed to be relegated to a fringe status that no one listens to or takes seriously therefore his rights are being trampled and so, the 9.11 Truth movement is forced to either accept the cover story of 9.11 via the bureaucratic replies or rebuffs and the deafening and deadening of the mainstream media's drumbeat support of that cover story OR the 9.11 Truth movement must resort to civil disobedience to drive the bureaucracy to address our redresses due to a growing number of people who want these nagging questions answered.
Naturally, the questions will never end nor should they. If a question such as "How do three steel structures collapse on the same day when none have ever fallen due to fire before," and the answer is not satisfactory or creates even more questions, then that will only create MORE suspicion and a greater demand for answers. And the bureaucracy has no one to blame but themselves. Up till now, they have been doing what they always do: blame the questioners for stirring up trouble and distrust. Sliming the questioners. Branding the questioners as "cranks" or "disrupters". Or possibly by simply killing them.
If the case is so cut and dried, then present the evidence and show the 9.11 Truthers up. End their movement by simply explaining what happened with evidence and not conjecture or spin or attacking the questioners.
But that prove difficult for them because they did everything in their power to make sure that could never be done with any certainty by destroying any and all evidence other than the footage captured that day. So, their tactic is now, as always, attrition. They have all the information that proves the 9.11 Truthers' stories or reveals the possible truth of the bureaucracy's involvement (direct or passive) and all they have to do to maintain their power is take the heat, wait the Truthers out.
The only tactic the Truthers have, at this point, is to become such an irritant to the power structure and attact so much attention to themselves and their questions, that fear of the public hanging those involved from the nearest light post forces them to either go away or offer up scapegoats.
Either way, democracy has lost some of its validity in the US. Only a full scale storming of the Bastille, so to speak, by the American Public could cleanse out country. Unfortunately, that can only be accomplished using blood as a cleaning agent and no one seems to want to do it that way.