That's not true and not at all fair.
So, you weren't on the "Bush was reading books to kids while planes were flying into buildings" train the following day?
I don't remember Knutty being alone.
I totally missed this thread back when but since it mentions me by name I thought I'd follow up on it.
For the record, I was not part of any online forums on 9.11. I joined some time later.
On 9.11, I gave Bush a pass. I believed he had no foreknowledge nor any of the ensuing theories that I have embraced since. I still hold that Bush had no foreknowledge and consider him merely a pawn as McClellan has described him.
It was not till I heard of the invasion of Afghanistan that I started checking out stuff and finding out how there were nothing but oil people in Bush's "administration" and that there was a pipeline that some oil company had been wanting to build there forever and a day and the guy they were going to install as the puppet there after "deposing the taliban" was actually the broker of the deals that failed for the pipeline.
In the days following 9.11. I still hated Bush but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I let go and gave him the chance to follow the right paths and he failed to take
any of the correct paths.
The drumbeat to invade Iraq sealed it for me. He was worthless and had squandered every opportunity to make the world a better place for all in favor of a better place for some and a much horrible place for MANY.