No, we still should blame Reagan, because by the time he was in office, they knew what it was people were dying from, and he refused to listen.
His handlers didn't write anything on his notecards. They left it out of the script they wrote for him each day.
There are plenty of things to blame on Nixon as well, but AIDS was not recognized until he was out of office.
Ford and Carter came between Nixon and Reagan.
Nixon didn't notice ,Ford didn't notice , Carter didn't notice , Reagan did notice but just not enough to suit his critics.
This is a unique complaint , the closest to it I can remember is Ford being criticised for overreaction to Swine Flu.
There are new diseases appearing every year , Presidents do not normally hit the panic button for them.
Anti biotic resistant Staph is oncomeing and it has no political baggage , but neither Clinton nor Bush is acting like it is a big deal.
I think it has more potential to cause problems than Aids does , but what is the appropriate Presidential attitude?