What? I have to explain what "famous" means? It means that which has attained fame.
Lookit, famous means "well-known". Jesus, ML King and Gandhi are all famous. They are all well-known. You can't deny that.
We know much less about Jesus than we do about the other twoi, because Jesus did not want us to know what he had been up to between the age of 12 and 32. Had he wished this to have been known, he would have revealed it. All we know is a bunch of often conflicting tales told by people who may or may not have actually known him. Jesus COULD have written down what is message was, but he chose to let the job be done by amateurs, long after his death.
How about this:
More people have heard about Coca-Cola than Jesus.
Millions, perhaps billions of people in Asia and perhaps Africa and other places have never even heard of Jesus.
But they HAVE heard of Coke.
Coca Cola makes no claim to be divine.
Jesus appeared around 2000 years ago.
Coca-Cola appeared in the 1880's.
How is it that a Perfect Being is so vastly less effective about getting the message out than a popular soft drink?
Please don't tell me that getting the message out was not Jesus' stated purpose.
He was a man of his time. In those times, no one was as competent as Coca-Cola is now.
Unless perhaps, he was omnipotent.
But, alas, it seems that he wasn't omnipotent.
Neither was Mohammad, perhaps not even Allah.