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Just imagine this scenario
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:17:08 PM »
The Battles of Hastings
By Kenneth R. Timmerman | October 19, 2006

I give you Alcee Hastings, Democrat from Florida, the next chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence should Democrats win a majority in the next Congress.

Before I explain exactly why that is a bad thing for America, let me make clear that I am a registered Republican. I tell you this up front because several of my friends who say they are Republicans have told me recently they intend to vote for Democrats this November, because the Republican Party has betrayed their trust.

These “Republicans” have two main gripes with the party they embrace on sunny days.

Under Bush, they say, the size of the federal government has expanded by leaps and bounds. We are small-government Republicans. If our party won’t limit the size of government, who will? they ask. (Answer: not the Democrats, that’s for sure).

Under Bush, they say – gripe number two – the size of federal budget deficits continues to grow. It couldn’t get much worse under tax and spend Democrats, they argue. What we have now are tax and spend Republicans. They need a lesson that only electoral defeat can give them.

We all have heard such arguments from family and friends. The Republicans won’t do my bidding, so let’s get rid of the Republicans!

Who cares if the Democrats won’t do any better; at least my guys will have learned their lesson!

This column is not about the value of consensus, or about the need to find common ground with your political opponents for the greater good of the nation – although both are extremely important when it comes to the day to day business of actually governing.

It’s about what my friend Paul Weyrich recently evoked in reminiscing on what has disappeared from American politics since leftists (as opposed to liberals) took over the Democrat party.

“There once was a time…when you did not fear victory by the opposition party,” Weyrich writes. “In 1960, I worked hard for Nixon. I did everything I could to help him defeat Senator John F. Kennedy. But when the electoral votes were in and Kennedy had apparently won, I was disappointed but had no fear in my heart.”

No fear in my heart.

Now imagine for an instant Alcee Hastings as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Here is a man who was appointed to the federal bench by Jimmy Carter in 1979, and whose outright corruption was so egregious that his own party saw fit to impeach him ten years later.

Judge Hastings was one of just six federal judges since the beginning of the Republic to be impeached by Congress and removed from office by the United States Senate.

After his impeachment and removal from office in 1989 – on charges of corruption and perjury – Hastings did not retreat in a corner. He did not beg forgiveness. He made no public display of repentence.

On the contrary. Judge Hastings played the Jesse Jackson race card. He was a victim. He had been wronged – not the people of Florida, to whom he had lied and from whom he had stolen (such is the meaning of perjury and corruption, after all).

In November 1992, Hastings ran successfully in the newly-created 23rd district of Florida, an overwhelmingly Democrat district created by the  Florida legislature after the 1990 census as a safe Democratic seat.

Since then, Hastings has been re-elected with comfortable margins every two years. His official biography makes no mention of the untidy fact of his impeachment and removal as a federal judge. I guess he figures it’s not something potential voters in Broward and Palm Beach County need to know.

And that’s just for starters.

Since Congress began investigating the September 11 attacks, senior members of the U.S. intelligence community have been in open revolt against the Bush administration.

The leaders of this revolt continue to occupy the highest ranking positions in the intelligence community. Over the past four years, their efforts to undermine the Bush administration through the systematic leaking of national security secrets and the compromise of top secret operations in the war on terror, constitute nothing less than treason.

They have been given cover by Democrats on both the House and the Senate intelligence committees, who have been more than willing to serve  as conduits for their partisan attacks against the Bush White House and, in some cases, as conduits for leaking intelligence secrets to the press.

Ever wonder how the media first learned that the CIA had set up “secret prisons” in Europe and the Middle East, where it was interrogating al Qaeda members captured during hush-hush operations?

Or how the media first got wind that the National Security Agency was listening to telephone calls and other communications between known terrorists and individuals in the United States, without seeking a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court?

Or how the press got word of a long-standing effort by the U.S. Treasury department to work with the SWIFT bank consortium in Belgium, to monitor international wire transfers by individuals suspected of terrorist ties?

These leaks have done irreparable harm to the people of the United States by limiting the ability of the U.S. government to track terrorists, capture them, and learn their secrets.

Alcee Hastings was not personally behind those leaks, as far as I know. But Alcee Hastings, and the current ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Jane Harman (who is term-limited from becoming chairman should the Democrats win in November) have transformed the House intelligence committee from its bipartisan oversight role into a highly-partisan attack committee – at least, the forty percent of it they currently control.

Should Democrats win this November, we can expert Mr. Hastings to use the HPSCI to conduct a series of partisan witch hunts against the White House and against Republicans elsewhere in the administration. These “investigations” will be conducted under the banner of “oversight,” and will allege partisan personnel appointments to top intelligence positions.

In fact, the goal of the Democrats is to use the Congressional oversight process to cripple the ability of a Republican administration to effectively run the federal government.

So far, they have made a pretty good job of it, even though they have been in the minority. They hounded Porter Goss out as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and have brought back a representative of the CIA “Old Boys Club,” Stephen Kappes – whom Mr. Goss correctly fired for insubordination in November 2004 – as Deputy CIA director.

The word on the street is that Mr. Kappes is now angling for the top CIA slot, after his current boss, Air Force General Michael Hayden, replaces John Negroponte as Director of National Intelligence later this year. (Mr. Negroponte is said to want Secretary of State, or NSC).

Imagine this pair: a former judge, impeached for corruption, teaming up with a former clandestine officer, fired for insubordination, at the head of America’s premier spy service?

And you think they will turn their talents on al Qaeda?

My money is that they will use their formidable powers to hound out Bush administration appointees from the intelligence community, and to quietly put an end to the war against our terrorist foes.

Call it, unilateral disarmament.

I give you Alcee Hastings.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2006, 12:00:27 AM »
<<Ever wonder how the media first learned that the CIA had set up “secret prisons” in Europe and the Middle East, where it was interrogating al Qaeda members captured during hush-hush operations?

<<Or how the media first got wind that the National Security Agency was listening to telephone calls and other communications between known terrorists and individuals in the United States, without seeking a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court?

<<Or how the press got word of a long-standing effort by the U.S. Treasury department to work with the SWIFT bank consortium in Belgium, to monitor international wire transfers by individuals suspected of terrorist ties?

<<These leaks have done irreparable harm to the people of the United States by limiting the ability of the U.S. government to track terrorists, capture them, and learn their secrets.>>

This is absolutely hilarious.  The guy starts with a total character assassination of Alcee Hastings, the thief, the crook, the fraud, and then moves directly from there into a drumbeat of leak allegations,  Leak, LEAK, LEAK - - and then:

<<Alcee Hastings was not personally behind those leaks, as far as I know.>>

So then, uh, why . . . ?

<<But Alcee Hastings, and  . . .  Jane Harman  . . .  have transformed the House intelligence committee from its bipartisan oversight role into a highly-partisan attack committee – at least, the forty percent of it they currently control.>>

attack committee?

<<Should Democrats win this November, we can expert Mr. Hastings to use the HPSCI to conduct a series of partisan witch hunts against the White House and against Republicans elsewhere in the administration. These “investigations” will be conducted under the banner of “oversight,” and will allege partisan personnel appointments to top intelligence positions.>>

Ahhh . . . I see.  You mean, they will demand some kind of <gasp!> accountability?  Why, those RATS!!!!  Those COMMIE BASTARDS!!!!  Just who the f#!k do they think they are?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 12:03:37 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 01:32:52 AM »
attack committee?

Yea, Attack Committee vs focusing their efforts on dealing with intelligence matters that pertain to the security of this Country

You mean, they will demand some kind of accountability?

Naaa, they'll demand the ability to leak whatever classified materal they can that'll hurt the GOP, and claim so in the name of "accountability"
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2006, 07:36:27 AM »
Hold on here, folks. Let' back up some. If it is true that this guy was one of just six federal judges since the beginning of the Republic to be impeached by Congress and removed from office by the United States Senate, then I must say I have concerns about his qualificaitons to be anything other than dog catcher (and only that job because no one else wants it. Would YOU?)

If this is true, then why would I want him in any position of authority? Sounds scary to me. Is he fomenting rebelion within the ranks? If so, this is a serious accusation. This is not the way you play the game, it is not above board.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 08:04:21 PM by The_Professor »

Michael Tee

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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 12:30:16 PM »
<<Yea, Attack Committee vs focusing their efforts on dealing with intelligence matters that pertain to the security of this Country>>

ah, I see.  So weeding out the incompetent schmucks who allegedly fed the "President" the "bad intel" that allegedly resulted in the Iraq disaster because the "President" deeply and sincerely believed it, would not really pertain to the security of the U.S.?  or maybe finding out if certain intelligence officers had been pressured to come up with pre-cooked results by administration officials looking for an excuse to go to war would not be related to the security of the U.S.?  And why would that be?  Because the security of the U.S. would best be preserved by leaving the incompetent schmucks in place, confident that they would never screw up again?  Or because exposing and punishing those intelligence officers, if any, who delivered up pre-determined results on order to the administration officials who requested them, should be allowed to continue on unmolested in their careers as an example to others who might wonder how to behave in future if asked to cook the results of their investigations to order?  Is that your recipe for better protecting the security of the U.S.A.?

<<they'll demand the ability to leak whatever classified materal they can that'll hurt the GOP, and claim so in the name of "accountability">>

Well, since the GOP was in charge for the past six years, it looks like any administration wrongdoing they uncover will "hurt the GOP" so I guess what you're really against is a new broom coming in, cleaning up and exposing any of the problems they find to the American public, who basically have the right to know such things because they do, after all (in theory) VOTE once in awhile, because, why?  Because that would "hurt the GOP?"  Gee, I'm so glad to know there's nothing partisan in your opposition to these committee members.


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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2006, 02:44:47 PM »
So weeding out the incompetent schmucks who allegedly fed the "President" the "bad intel" that allegedly resulted in the Iraq disaster because the "President" deeply and sincerely believed it, would not really pertain to the security of the U.S.?

You mean, we're going after the folks that make up the NIE?  Going after the UN?  Going after the plethora of other Global intelligence agences that the President used, in conjuction with the CIA's, when coming to his conclusions on Iraq's WMD?  OK, if that's the scenario, that's cool.  The reference I was making was in the Dem-lead committee simply becoming a big GOP witch hunt.  Since that's not what you're advocating, then we're cool

since the GOP was in charge for the past six years, it looks like any administration wrongdoing they uncover will "hurt the GOP"

The leaks in question were illegal in their being released.  And nearly all the programs that were leaked, were perfectly within the realm of the President's constitutional authority to push as CnC.  So, no the "wrongdoing" is not the effect here, it's in portraying the perception of wrongdoing, thus hurting the GOP.  But I thought you were more interested in weeding out where all the bad intel came from.  Change your mind?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2006, 03:18:26 PM »
<<You mean, we're going after the folks that make up the NIE?  Going after the UN?  Going after the plethora of other Global intelligence agences that the President used, in conjuction with the CIA's, when coming to his conclusions on Iraq's WMD?  OK, if that's the scenario, that's cool.  The reference I was making was in the Dem-lead committee simply becoming a big GOP witch hunt.  Since that's not what you're advocating, then we're cool>>

I think you know that the committee's oversight powers do not extend to the UN or the so-called "plethora" of other Global intelligence agencies that the President allegedly used.  Hopefully the Chimp had some confidence in the American "intelligence" agencies and would have relied on them to some extent in his decision-making process.  At least, that is how he claims to have arrived at his disastrous conclusions, and you believe him, right?  Because he never lies, right?  So I guess you'll have no objection to a probe which will confirm what intelligence the "President" actually got from these folks and how accurate it was, and how he just happened to have gotten all that "bad intel" he claims to have gotten, and what happened to all those bad intel officers who fed him all that bad intel when he found out how bad they were?  That's something the American people who pay for all of this have the right to know, don't they?  And the committee should know as well, shouldn't they?  So it won't happen again?

<<The leaks in question were illegal in their being released.  And nearly all the programs that were leaked, were perfectly within the realm of the President's constitutional authority to push as CnC.  So, no the "wrongdoing" is not the effect here, it's in portraying the perception of wrongdoing, thus hurting the GOP.  But I thought you were more interested in weeding out where all the bad intel came from.  Change your mind?>>

No, I think it's important to know how much intel the "President" got really was bad intel, if he managed to get ANY good intel out of them too, and what he did with all of it.  And in addition to the leaks - - which as far as we know haven't resulted in the death or injury of a single human being - - I'd want to know if intelligence had been cherry-picked to fit a pre-determined conclusion.  You know a conclusion like "No time to waste.  Gotta invade NOW!" which has cost a lot of lives and a lot of money.  Was the intel community pressured into producing only certain kinds of findings?  These are things America needs to know.  But since the only pressure at that time could have come from the Republicans who held the power to hire or fire, to advance or deep-six anyone's career, the answers could be embarrassing to Republicans, right?  And that's what I understand what you don't want to happen.  Not because it would be bad for the GOP, I know.  Because it would be bad for the country, right?


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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2006, 03:33:07 PM »
I think you know that the committee's oversight powers do not extend to the UN or the so-called "plethora" of other Global intelligence agencies that the President allegedly used.  Hopefully the Chimp had some confidence in the American "intelligence" agencies and would have relied on them to some extent in his decision-making process.  So I guess you'll have no objection to a probe which will confirm what intelligence the "President" actually got from these folks and how accurate it was, and how he just happened to have gotten all that "bad intel" he claims to have gotten, and what happened to all those bad intel officers who fed him all that bad intel when he found out how bad they were? 

So, in other words it is just a CIA & GOP witch hunt you're looking forward to seeing.  Complete with the ILLEGAL leaking of any and all classified information (I mean, it didn't kill anyone right.  Rule of Law? biggie, just gets in the way sometimes.  Discard the concept it when necessary when it can hurt Republicans, in any shape, way or form.)  Yea, that's kinda what I thought.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2006, 04:19:30 PM »
Sure, look up the leaks.  But don't lose perspective.  The important issues are the ones that cost human life, although since most conservatives don't really give a shit about human life (except their own) I can see where the leak issues are more important than the others.  So if there's time to investigate who (if anyone) gave out the "bad intel" and what happened to them, and who (if anyone) pressed for specific types of intel pointing to specific types of conclusions, then if there is any time left over for the small stuff, why not investigate the leaks?

Personally, I think by the time the American people get any further information on who's really responsible for the Iraq disaster, they won't give a shit about who leaked what when but that's just me.  I'll bet the real wingnuts will get all worked up about the leaks, but not about causing an unnecessary war.  Hell, conservatives LOVE wars as long as they themselves don't have to fight in them.


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Re: Just imagine this scenario
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2006, 05:05:01 PM »
Guess it's a good thing that commission after commission after conclusion after conclusion has declared that at no time did Bush attempt to manipulate the intel he received, nor push certain intel over that of others.  So, where to take the witch hunt next?  hmmmm
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 12:32:55 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle