Welcome Seamus.
One can only hope you are a new guy, and not just another clone of somebody who is already here.
If you utilize a wary eye, and follow the rythym of some posters, you will pick up that they are merely themselves following their own post via another name just to support it.
That aside, here is one heads-up:
Sirs will dart out from behind a cohort to piss on your shoes, and just as quickly dart back, yelping all the way. That's his predominant negative. His positives include an indefatigibleness matched by no others in here. When the battle has moved to the ramparts, and all are exhausted and wanting only to have a finish, Sirs folds in and reemerges to begin anew, like Minnesota Fats who comes out after hours into the game, afresh with spirit and smile, and asks: "You ready to play some pool, Eddie?" In the beginning, I was unimpressed, but have, over the history, developed a resilient respect for his efforts. It is not so much that you have to read more to keep up with him, but that you have to remember all you have read, just to confront his whapping you across the brow with something you thought was handled thoroughly some time back. In a single reply, he will have you multi-linking with google and chasing a dozen sticks at the same time. Truth is, he may be the most astute strategic player in here. Couple that with a capricious and uncanny capacity to vex, you have a formidible foe. If you take him on, eat a good lunch first. You will need it.