Post-Debate Questions [Bill Bennett]
Why is everyone saying Hillary Clinton's performance was so boffo and her answer on licenses to illegals - "No" - was so cool when it directly contradicted her answer earlier this month? This is what Kerry did - in favor before he was opposed - that we flogged him for for the duration of the campaign.
Why isn't this an anchor?
And why right now aren't Republican candidates shouting about immigration from the rooftops and putting Dems in a box?
11/17 11:56 AM
The fact that the media is sorting out the place cards and stacking the deck in terms of questions is clear, or should be, to any one who watched this last Dem debate.
The audience was loaded, as well, by Hillary supporters. When she made a point, they cheered; when others made a point, especially when they acted totally appropriately to the game at hand, and criticized her, they booed and hissed, almost to the point of interruption. At one point, Obama became flummoxed by the catcalls from Hillary's supporters, and one could see Hillary gloating over it. The fact that they had canned questions is not surprising, given the entrenched bias.
Edwards took some risks by implying that the whole of Washington is corrupt, and that measures that fail to address this, are doomed to failure. Natually, Hillary took it personally. She should. She is too corrupt not to. Her most recent behind the scenes cabals are with Rupert Murdock and others who were formerly a part of what she coined as the "right wing conspiracy."
Edwards made the best points, as objective political assesments are made, but the world watching also knows that Americans react to political debates with the same narcississtic tickling that their advertising and white house press releases have taught them to. The "Ugly American" has been replaced by the "Gullible American" when it comes to describing your average 'consumer,' who used to be your average 'citizen.'
IMHO, the only outcome I am looking for in this election stack up is to determine if any chance, any objective opportunity will given to those who refer to the K Street, politician connection.
The rest is bullshit.
The same game with new players is still the same game, and the same problem.
Unbridled corruption.