<<That is an absolutely ridiculous argument. [that Great Britain went to war to punish Germany for attacking Poland] What gives Great Britain the right to punish anyone? >>
Ooops, I'm afraid I got carried away there. Sorry, Pooch. Great Britain, of course, did not go to war to punish Germany. Great Britain and France were bound by treaty to come to the defence of Poland it it were attacked by Germany. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, the British and French delivered an ultimatum to the Germans to get out of Poland, which expired on September 3rd, which is when the British and French declared war on Germany.
<<The United States entered WWII because it was directly attacked. Great Britain and her pathetically waning "empire" entered the war in order to interfere in another nation's affairs. >>
Well, that was a treaty obligation, but the original error was mine, so I'll let it pass. The "pathetically waning empire" was Britain's strongest support after the Fall of France and the U.S. refusal to enter the conflict. As Winston Chuchill put it (best as I can remember) "And now the old lion, with her lion cubs at her side, stands alone against hunters who are armed with deadly weapons . . . "
<<This is just another example of centuries of British aggression and imperialism >>
The British took great responsibility for their empire - - they provided the civil adminsitration framework, the law courts, the police, the postal system, the railways - - every God-damn thing which those countries needed. They did NOT, as the Americans do, instal some tinpot dictator, to rule over the oppressed populace with his secret police and his torture chambers. There is no British Batista, Trujillo, Shah of Iran, etc. You are so far beneath the British as administrators of an empire that I am amazed you would even want to initiate the comparison.
<<which continues even today in such places as the Malvinas. >>
WHAAAAAT? The British were defending their own in the Falkland Islands. If you noticed, all of the islands' inhabitants were ENGLISH. For some strange and inexplicable reason, they did not wish to come under the rule of an Argentinian junta which by that time had probably tortured to death about 50,000 students and workers and dumped their bodies all over the country and in the ocean.
<<Canada, of course, never really initiates any productive actions - they just do what they're told by their betters in London and Washington.>>
The Canadian Parliament actually debated for some weeks before deciding to go to war against Germany. It was a consciously taken decision which obviously did not sit well with the French Canadians.
As for listening to their "betters" in Washington, I don't know of a single Canadian who wouldn't freely admit that Franklin D. Roosevelt was a far better man in every way than MacKenzie King, the Canadian Prime Minister of the day, or that Roosevelt's cabinet was an infinitely superior group of politicians to our own gang of nobodies; YOUR problem is that your country today is running as fast as it can from every single accomplishment of FDR and the New Deal, from the United Nations to Social Security. If the U.S. today were run by men of the calibre of FDR and his Brain Trust, I wouldn't have a word to say against the country. The tragedy is that it's run by men closer to Hitler on the political spectrum than they are to FDR.
<<One-sided invasions? Nonsense. We were punishing the communist aggressors and the murderous Ba'athist regime. It's what decent nations do. Canada would never DARE to defend other oppressed peoples. >>
Ludicrous bullshit. Didn't fly then (hence the need to invent the pretext, the Tonkin Gulf incident) and it doesn't fly now (hence the need to invent the pretext, WMD.) You're there to steal their oil, plain and simple. There are numerous dictatorships all over the world, some of them closer to home, which you have PROMOTED, never mind never invaded. You are supporting "murderous regimes" everywhere and ignoring others. THIS ONE had the oil, THIS ONE got invaded. Who do you really think you are fooling with this BS?
<<Yeah. The people of Iran had choice taken away from them by the Supreme Counsel. >>
Sorry, Pooch, that one you'll have to explain to me. The people of Iran had elected the government of Mohammed Mossadegh, who then nationalized the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and was subsequently overthrown by a CIA-managed coup and replaced by the Shah of Iran. I don't even think there is or was any such thing as a "Supreme Counsel" in Iran, and if there were, its actions couldn't possibly give you the right to overthrow a democratically elected government. That would be for the people of Iran themselves to look after if they cared to do so.
<< Venezuelans are protesting in the streets trying to regain their freedoms as Chavez tightens his grip - and many have left in fear for their lives. It is entirely appropriate that we punish them. >>
Bullshit. The middle class naturally protests against Chavez' version of socialism. Plenty of blacks protested in the streets of Amerikkka trying to gain (not regain) their freedoms - - what country got the right to invade the U.S.A. because of that? Besides that - - who has Chavez killed, that these gusanos "left in fear for their lives?" And what if they were in fear of their lives, unlikely though that may be? Are you saying the state has no right to protect itself from parasites and subversives?
<<My point, in case you miss it in your blind and bigotted rage against the United States, is that your perspective is so skewed as to be completely unreliable. >>
I'm not going to meekly accept that kind of garbage. You managed so far to keep this above the ad hominem level but I guess that was ultimately too much of an effort. Still I'm not gonna descend to that level. My "rage" [it's actually anger] against the U.S. is neither blind nor bigotted. It's been directed as you very well know at specific historical acts, deeds, failures to act, etc., each of which I took the trouble to name and identify. It's total bullshit to call that "blind" in any normal sense of the word. "Bigotted" my ass - - my two older grandchildren are U.S. citizens born and raised, my favourite city in the whole world (next to Paris) is New York, and I have tremendous respect for many Americans whom I've often named in these posts from the Wright Brothers to Jane Fonda and Rosa Parks. You have some God-damn nerve calling ME bigotted.
Another thing I won't accept is the crap that my perspective is so "skewed" as to be "completely unreliable." I've got as good as or in most cases better perspective on what's going on in the world and in the U.S.A. (maybe BT knows more on what's going on in the U.S.A.) than any member of this group and in fact it's a perspective that's shared by plenty of informed commentators, maybe more outside the U.S. than inside. There's nothing at all "skewed" about my perspective, my friend. Maybe you'd better heed that Biblical advice about not seeing the log in your own eye but criticizing the mote in the other's. IMHO, it's YOUR perspective that is, if not skewed, severely limited, one-sided and blind to the numerous and horrific misdeeds of your own country. They don't just vanish into thin air because you don't want to see them.
This is lunch time, Pooch. Just got a "Where ARE you?" call from my wife and I gotta run. I skimmed through the rest of your post - - little if anything that I could agree with there and I hope to get back to it later on. It's at least 99% pure BS.