<<I guess Bush missed it too, as having not been in office for all those 10+years,>>
Which is completely irrelevant since Bush Lie No. 2 (in the web-site's count) was that AMERICA (not Bush) had dealt "patiently and honourably" with Iraq for the past decade. The lie concerned America's dealings, not Bush's. Much as you might believe to the contrary, America and Bush are not identical.
<< as well as the fact of how bogus an allegation of not being "patient & honorable" by virtue of such egregious weapons inspecting & nefarious CIA spying. I mean, how dare Iraq lose the war & be obligated to adhere to UN resolutions. Of all the nerve.>>
Uh, no, sirs, in case you missed it, what was not honourable in America's dealings with Iraq in the decade to which your lying "President" was referring, was the deliberate starving to death of half a million Iraqi children and half a million Iraqi adult civilians. I realize, sadly, that it has to be pointed out to someone like you that starving children to death is never "honourable" because otherwise you would never see how your "President" could have been lying when he referred to America's decade of "patient and honourable" conduct towards Iraq. Of course it was not "honourable" to insert C.I.A. spies in various humanitarian programs or weapons-inspection programs either, but these dishonourable actions pale into insignificance beside the murder of half a million Iraqi children. So hopefully now you will understand how and why Bush Lie No. 2 was just as claimed all along, a big fat lie.
<<And the "crushed" part is how you continue to avoid, like the plague, producing any actual Bush lied claims with follow-up validation. >>
Well of course I just validated them in my preceding posts in this very thread and in fact at the top of this very post. But I know, your attention span is very short. I know how easy it is for you to "forget" any time anything is posted in this group, especially anything proving that Bush lied.
And here we come to the most hilarious part of your post:
<<Then again, why change now. Let's let Plane present them like he did, so we can shoot them down, that way >>
This is unbelievably funny. You and plane are becoming the Laurel and Hardy of the lunatic far right. A tag team going in after the nefarious Bush-hater Michael Tee. But your latest escapade really takes the cake. After I had finally shown some common sense and washed my hands of both of you, plane (who by courtesy I at least owed the response of telling him where the "Bush lied" sites were to be found, since I don't believe I had ever posted any in direct response to request by him) then goes after them, finds a site of his choice, picks a "Bush Lie" of his choice, and proceeds carefully to "demolish" his chosen lie from his chosen site. Not. YOU then proceed to follow up the "maestro's" alleged demolition of the non-Lie with your supportive accolades of "shrewd, plane," "masterful, boss," or similar Laurel-and-Hardy-type buffoonery, and all's well in crypto-fascist cloud cuckoo-land, until . . .
. . . until the next post, actually. plane's "shrewd" attack on Lie No. 2 consisted of "proving" that they had miscalculated some number somewhere in the web-site. (It's a big web-site.) It's not clear from plane's post, which seemed to have lost a key paragraph (and I'm not criticizing plane for that, accidents do happen) or even plane's reply, just WHAT number had been miscalculated, but on the basis of the miscalculation, everything else on the web-site was conveniently "tainted" and therefore incapable of proving that the "President" lied. Speedy. Convenient. Ludicrous. Not only was NOTHING specific in Bush Lie No. 2 affected in any significant way by the alleged "error" in the calculations, but the entire methodology of plane's approach was ridiculed, and justly so, by the apt example of a high-school teacher finding one wrong answer in a student's test and therefore giving the kid a mark of zero on the theory that one wrong answer invalidates all the other answers from the same kid. This was the "reasoning" upon which Bush Lie No. 2 was "found" to be a hoax.
Oy. Well, you can see how much effort it takes to demolish the liars' defence of the lie. As I say, if I had the time, I could do this forever. There are so many lies, yet each lie is fiercely defended as truth. In a tag-team operation, where one moron does the "heavy lifting" of defending the original lie with yet more lies and absurdities, and the second moron eggs him on with cheesey accolades like "shrewd" and "masterful" and "LOL" as if he had just been treated to the wisdom of Solomon. UNFORTUNATELY my time for this pathetic little game is limited, and I am not going to play any more. I know that this will only give sirs one more chance to "declare victory, hit ENTER," but so be it. Enjoy your "victory," sirs, you have my complete contempt.
P.S. I have one more comment to make about plane's attack on Bush Lie No. 2, but I'll save that for another post. plane's reasoning was even more defective than I originally realized but that's another story.