<<Ahhh, the all too famous reference to a "link", as the supposed smoking gun. >>
Yes, sirs, a link. That happens to be what I posted, that was the reference I made.
<< Sorry Tee, it didn't work with Bush Lied diatribes . . . >>
Ah, the famous sirs distraction tactic. The subject is Amerikkkan atrocities and war crimes and he tries to steer the discussion back to "Bush Lied." Sorry, sirs, aint' gonna work this time.
<< . . . and sure as hell isn't gonna work here. >>
Sorry to disappoint you sirs, but it already HAS worked here. You tried to misrepresent a single picture as the reference I had steered you to, and I answered your false accusation by pointing out, correctly, that the picture YOU selected from my link was just one of many. Case closed.
<<Again, a picture here is worth squat>>
What's this? An actual substantive comment on the topic under discussion? From sirs?? Hey now that's what I call progress. So: a picture is worth squat, huh? Well, I guess it's all in context. Rich had asked for a photo of all those dead Iraqi civilians. So I showed him a photo. Lots of photos. So in the context of the thread that led me to post that link, I don't think the picture is worth squat at all. You of course are welcome to your own opinion on the subject and good luck with it.
<<YOU chose to provide the disclaimer "Here. posting a link that claims U.S. war atrocities with a photo WARNING! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC PHOTOS OF AMERICAN ATROCITIES posted at the request of one of their biggest fans.>>
I guess I did. I posted a link to a page with one photo and with a bunch of links clearly labelled as such to such photos as "Child casualties," "Civilian casualties," "torture," etc. I did that. In response to a request for photos of civilian victims of U.S. atrocities. And your point is . . . ?
<<One more time for the dense, atrocites do NOT equal casualties...casualties do NOT equate with atrocities. Just because your damn link says atrocities, and just because you say atrocites, doesn't make it so. INTENT by Americans to kill and mame any and all at will, regardless of who they are is what would make such acts atrocities. There could be thousands of pictures or casualties.....NONE of them being atrocities>>
I'm sorry, sirs. I happen to think that civilian casualties, particularly caused by WP or napalm, when occurring during a criminal war of unprovoked aggression are atrocities and war crimes. Torture is an atrocity and a war crime. Cruel and degrading treatment is an atrocity and a war crime. My opinion. You obviously have a different opinion. We have to agree to disagree.
<<LOL, now we move into the 2nd to last level of desperate rebuttal.....the "obvious" tact>>
I'm glad you recognize the humour in the remark ("Nothing at all wrong with MY perspective. It's your own inability, and Pooch's, to accept the obvious, that is the problem here.")
That was a little bit of tongue in cheek. It was in response to your own equally lame and inane comment that <<It's very much like what Pooch accurately referenced ".... is that your perspective is so skewed as to be completely unreliable" >>
When you let the debate slide to such a level of invective so totally devoid of any substance that in effect it's just an ad hominem aspersion on my perspective and reliability, I just responded in kind with an equally lame and meaningless ad hominem attack both on both yours and Pooch's alleged "inability to accept the obvious." I thought it was particularly funny to slip the word "obvious" in there, adding that extra twist.
It's a little bit like the saying "Ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer." Use a stupid debating tactic and you get your stupidity thrown right back atcha (with a little extra, in this case the "obvious.")