Okay, I'll buy that option as well. But all troops, etc come out of anyplace else like Saudi Arabia.
There were US troops in Saudi Arabia at Dahrein. This is a violation of the Koran, which has always said "there shall not be two religions in Arabia", and it really pissed the Saudi fundamentalists off bigtime. To make matters worse, some of the troops and their wives brought bibles in Arabia into Saudi Arabia and were distribution them. The attack on Khobar Towers was an early result of this. Olebush and Jim Baker were the clowns that thought thois deployment up, and Clinton stupidly left them there, as did Juniorbush.
Then came 9-11, and the troops were withdrawn, transferred to Bahreain and Qatar, mostly, with little or no publicity in the press, since it would look like a retreat, (which it was).
Officially, there are no US troops in Saudi Arabia now at all.
It is probably that there are only advisors there now, and the passing out of Arabic Bibles has ceased.
Converting Saudis to Holy Rollers is probably a fruitless pursuit.
The US has no troops in Israel, either. But the problem is not troops, it is US support for what is anl effort on the part of the Israelis to colonize the West Bank. The UN Charter condemns colonization, and rightly so.
Israel has a right to exist, and even to defend itself, but doing it with my money, no.
There is no logical reason for that.
I don't personally believe that God has returned Israeli real estate to the Zionists. One could argue just as logically that the Roman diaspora was also an Act of God. God, being omnipotent, could surely have prevented it. Perhaps it is punishment for the Jews not recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. Certainly one could look on it that way.
Others say that most European Jews are not ethnic Hebrews at all, but the descendants of a Turkic people known as the Khazars, and therefore do not have the needed DNA to claim divine ownership of Palestine.
On the other hand, if God does favor Israel holding whatever territory he so desires, then US aid for Israel is unnecessary and excessive.
In any case, eventually the greater birthrate of Palestinians, even Palestinian citizens of Israel proper (the people the Israelis call "Israeli Arabs"), wil outnumber Israelis within Israel, and at that point, Israel will become a non-religious state or will have to give up being a democracy.
The idea that every citizen of any state, or the favored citizens of a state, should all be of one reigion, is a really BAD idea. It is as bad an idea for the Jews as it was for the Christians in the Middle Ages and as it is for the Muslims in any other country. Possibly the worst political idea of all time, ever.