Folks like you, Hr.muppph, and almost every other white male or female in here deny that it even exists...
Go here ( ), and scroll down to the bear thumbing its nose - I clearly said racism exists. --Hnumpah
"I bet I won't get one from you." --Ami
I love it when posters examine the fabric for a simple or single item, spot a bot on the body of the issue, and pretend they can extend that as proof of the fallacy of the whole point, or claim proof enought to call someone a liar. I have seen that often in here. Films by Michael Moore have often been attacked like this--one item of questional interpretation earns Moore the label of liar, thus hoping to invalidate all his whistle-blowing gems. It is a posture full of hubris and disingenuous, but there you are. I ask you, given the paucity of real return, what else can they do?
If you look at my post, you will see that in this quote: "Folks like you, Hr.mupph, and almost every other white male or female in here deny that it even exists, and that confounds logic . . ." I am talking about racism as it appears on this board from time to time (true, without me, and before Tee, it would not come up at all), or why else would I include "almost every other male or female in here"? Once again, a stretch that is intellectually embarassing. You did not look before you spit.
I know you said that racism does exist, as a conciliatory intro to suggest that racism is not a Southern issue and more than it is a Northern issue. I saw that and I yawned.
I also know you began there, and from there, as always, seek to trivialize or outright deny that racism exists as much in the South as it does in the North, or that when remarks occur in the media, or issues and people derived therefrom, they are be considered racism. Don't take my word for it. Ask your friends on that single point. "Do I always seem to deny . . . .?" In case you missed the memo, racism is beyond the boundaries of partisianship or the automatic choosing of a side in a debate.
If it is a tally of posts from the both of you that can be called racist, or suggesting racism, I have no need to go back and point them out, though I could. Instead, I will merely point them out ad infinitum when they appear from now on, which they surely will.
The fact that the both of you presume that your anecdotal observations carry the clout condlusive enough to prove anything is a source of amusement for anybody reading.
People up North who have confederate bumper stickers are one of two people: l) Southern racists, transposed, or 2) racists so impoverished mentally that they have to borrow a hate image from a frothing redneck in order to express themselves re those they can safely imagine are beneath them, and, to boot, they cannot even pretend to claim 'heritage.' I would suppose the latter ignoramus lacks the bloodlines of the former ignoramus--that would be in keeping with the elitist part of the South so often intimated that we all have to suffer to swallow.
I have the same reaction Blacks in America do when they see this hate symbol displayed, while the both of you continue to erect your camp around the defense of it.