OK, BT, I went to your link.
Your point is that people get away with horrible anti-social acts because "our culture" preaches that shame is bad?
I think that there are two schools of thought on this.
One being that whatever influence that feel-good, New Age pop psychology has over these punks is dwarfed by the culture of death and violence that they are immersed in, from video games based on wars and violence from every era, to the cult of militarism which makes heroes out of trained killers. Or that as the socioeconomic losers in Capitalism's Race for the Top Spot, they have a lot of anger and resentment spilling out of their last-place finish and only one way to express it. (Although THAT motive was defused by making one of the punks a "college student.") Bottom line, I don't see any of these punks immersed in "I'm OK, You're OK" but I DO see them spending endless hours over Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, etc. They were probably raised on endless loops of RAMBO or similar filmic glorifications of violence.
The other school is that these punks are just punks and a natural occurrence in any big city where people fall into a spectrum of good to evil, in any large group there has to be somebody who ranks highest in goodness and somebody else who ranks lowest. These guys are probably the bottom one-tenth of one per cent. In any decent society, China, for example, or the former U.S.S.R., they'd probably have been taken out somewhere and shot long before they got to the stage where they now seem to be. Or maybe put to work somewhere where their useless existence can be turned to the public good without allowing them any chance of ever again endangering public health and welfare.