Chavez has not been giving oil away to Americans. He has been selling more cheaply to Cuba and a few other countries.
The world price of oil is one thing, by the way, and the local price of gasioline is quite another. The latter is determined by Bush's buddies. The former is irrevevent to anyone who does not want to buy tons of oil and has their own refinery.
Watch and see, after the elections, the price will rise again.
You ought to pay attention to Hugo Cahvez , he is traveling about offering sweetheart deals to partys and factions he likes.
If you were going to the Tobqacco Auction as a buyer and saw someone outside the gate giveing bales away at steep discounts would you still go in and bid on bales at competitive prices? At the least haveing someone outside the auction giveing away the product will reduce the number of bidders that go in ,even if not all buyeres were welcome to be gifted.
Hugo Cheves is doing all he possibly could to drive down the world price of oil and the Harlem price of heat and everything in between will feel the depression of price. Castro is not haveing to bid , whoever he is dealing with ,giving a good deal, will be removed from the bidding.
What more could he do to depress the price of oil? If there is a big spigot being turned on it is Hugo's.
According to your theroy he is doing this for his love of George Bush.