But I fail to see why you, as an American citizen, should be sticking your nose into other people's business that does not concern you.
This does indeed concern me. If an unnecessary abundance of Spanish teachers are admitted to the US, the law of supply and demand will drive down the salary of everyone else in the field.
And being as they will no doubt have Hispanic names, they will be given precedence in being hired ahead of me, withoiut regard to competence or qualifications.
It concerns all Americans when the borders are thrown open willy-nilly. We have to pay to be educated in the US, the immigrants pay less.
This is most certainly my business. Once I applied for a job and was at the top oif the list, when a Chilean immigrant applied for the same job. Because of EEOC requirements that a certain number of Hispanics be hired by the university, he was given the job. He was also paid more than I was told that the job paid.
The EEOC was supposed to be used to exist because people had discriminated against Mexican American and Puerto Rican US citizens in the past, not to give special rewards to recent non-citizen immigrants from Chile.
No one said you should be denied a say. I'm sure David Duke would like to have a say too. Doesn't mean I'm going to agree with either of you.
I imagine that a majority of Americans would agree with me, that immigration should be determined by the citizens that live here, rather than according to your demented view that supply and demand are somehow holy inalienable rights.
The fact is that we are NOT granted a say in this. I can vote for or against two senators and one representative, and I can write them with my opinions. Generally they answer back with noncommital letters that promise nothing at all other than that they "are concerned with the issue".
Juniorbush's plan for immigration was pretty much the only thing he has done that I agree with, but it was not passed and won't be passed.
The most likely thing that will happen is that there will be no change in the law, and the laws on the books will continue to not be enforced. Every years there will be more and more illegals, and here in Miami the result is that there will be a higher and higher percentage of illegals working off the books, not being paid SS, not paying taxes, not being paid even the measley minimum wage. There will be more and more beggars on the streets, outside every store, pestering motorists at every onramp to the freeways, more and more snatch and grab robberies, carjackings, people with no insurance getting treated at the ER of Jackson Memorial Hospital.
If you want to see what your asshole idealistic pseudo libertarian dream actually looks like, just come to Miami-Dade County.