<<You're still wrong, and have been proven so, yet you go on and on and on.>>
So far, nobody's proven me wrong. Which would be quite a trick, because I am right. The Zio-Nazis have quite an elaborate defence team, but when the truth breaks through, it breaks through.
<<The "Palestinians" have no right to land that was NEVER theres. >>
I see. Thank you for the POV of the Zio-Nazi racists and fascists. Here's the actual statement of the Palestinians' rights according to the Charter of the UN, which even Zio-Nazi puppets like Bush and John Bolton have not been able to take the U.S.A. out of as yet:
<<Article 73
<<Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that
the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:
<<a. to ensure, with due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social, and educational advancement, their just treatment, and their protection against abuses;
b. to develop self-government, to take due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement; . . . >>
<<Those who want to live in peace do so. Those who want to murder women and children should be given no quarter.>>
Here's how they "live in peace" under the Zio-Nazis. "Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Schoolgirls With Axes" -
http://thehollytree.blogspot.com/2007/11/israeli-settlers-attack-palestinian.htmlThere are lots of articles showing how much "peace" the racist Zio-Nazi "settlers" are prepared to provide the Palestinians in the West Bank. Unfortunately only a handful ever break through the stranglehold that the Zionists have on the U.S. MSM. The Europeans are slightly more fortunate in what they are permitted to see in their MSM, so their attitude towards the conflict is somewhat different from Amerikkka's.
<<They should be given that choice. No more bending over backward to accommodate these animals. Do what the Jordanians did to them. It's the only thing they understand. They teach their children to hate. They use them as pawns to further their dream of genocide. People like that are less than human and should be met with greater force because they will not stop until they are all dead. They live in a culture of death which Arabs created and Arabs perpetuate so that they will committ these atrocities and Arabs can deny them.>>
I guess it's only natural when you defend the crimes of the Zio-Nazis that you have to resort to lies and slander. The truth is the last thing you want to see. Well done, Rich - - the blizzard of lies, bullshit and hysteria is about the best you can do in the circumstances, when the truth really can't be held back any longer.
<<You're nothing but a useful idiot Mikey. You are no better than those who strap the bombs on their own children and send them out to committ genocide.>>
I don't claim to be any better than ANY of the combatants, Rich. Not better than the bulldozer operator who flattened Rachael Corrie, not better than the Jews who murdered Mohammed al Doura, killed the ambulance driver who tried to rescue him and seriously wounded the 12-year-old's father as well. Not better than the IDF soldiers who sealed off the unarmed refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila and then allowed in armed Lebanese Christian Fascist militia to massacre thousands of unarmed women and children. Not better than the F-16 pilots who killed dozens of Lebanese schoolchildren in airstrikes last summer. And not better than the suicide bombers who strap on explosive belts to retaliate against the Jews who kill their mothers, fathers, siblings and children and steal the land they live on right out from under them.
You OTOH, Rich, you are lower than any of them. You sit safely in Amerikkka and pour fuel on the flames. You try to incite racial and religious hatred against the "animals" (your word, not mine) whose sole crime is to live on land that the Zio-Nazis want as their own and against any Arab or Muslim who supports them. Your vicious diatribes, if taken seriously by sane and normal Canadians or Americans, which thank God they are not, would spread racial and religious hatred in the very heart of the communities in which we ourselves live and tear apart the fabric of our own civilization and the tolerance and mutual respect on which they were built. In order to satisfy the insane greed for land of your co-religionists in Israel, you are willing to inflict irreparable harm on the cities and communities of North America and to bring upon them a wave of racial and religious hatred never before known here. Well, you and your kind are not going to succeed, Rich. Get used to it.