<<Close, but not quite. The land was legally acquired by Jews who immigrated to the region.>>
Often acquiring large tracts from absentee Turkish landlords in Cairo and evicting thousands of Arab families who had lived and died for generations on those same lands.
<<By 1937 there were already 400,000 Jews living there on land they legally purchased... (Reality Alert)>>
"Reality Alert," my ass.
HERE'S the
REALITY CHECK that'll stop Rich's Zio-Nazi bullshit dead in its tracks - - the
British Census of 1922.<<The British census of 1922 registered 752,048 inhabitants in Palestine, consisting of 589,177 Palestinian Muslims,
83,790 Palestinian Jews, 71,464 Palestinian Christians (including Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and others) and 7,617 persons belonging to other groups. The corresponding percentage breakdown is 78% Muslim, 11% Jewish, and 9% Christian. Palestinian Bedouin were not counted in the census, but a 1930 British study estimated their number at 70,860.[61]>>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PalestinianCute, huh? In the fifteen years from 1922 to 1937, the Jews in Palestine almost
quintuple in population from 84,000 to 400,000 - - an actual increase of 4.76 times the original size. By way of comparison, in TWENTY years from 1920 to 1940, the U.S.A. went from 106 to 132 million, or 1.25 times original size. Adjusted (roughly) to a 15-year period, the increase is only 1.18 times original size. (If the U.S. had shown growth proportional to Jewish population growth in Palestine over roughly the same 15 years, it would have gone from 106 million in 1920 to 505 million by 1935.)
[U.S. figures from
What obviously happened was MASSIVE Jewish immigration into Palestine occurring roughly over the same period of time (1922-1937) as the Nazi rise to power in Germany. Hitler's beer-hall
putsch, 1923; accession to power, 1933; Nuremburg racial laws, 1935. To escape from a threat arising entirely in Christian Europe (aided and abetted by Amerikkkan fascists and racists like Charles Lindbergh, his wife Anne and Henry Ford) the Jews of Europe flocked into Palestine and immediately began dispossessing the poor dumb fucking Arabs who lived there. And getting paid Zionist flacks like Leon Uris (for a very generous subsidy) to write best-sellers full of lies and bullshit about their "heroic" exploits. This was really the bottom end of the Darwinian paradigm - - the despised, the weak and the persecuted looking down to find someone even weaker and more despised than themselves to persecute and exploit.