<<actually this would make islam a more unique religion
meaning it`s immune to public critique
since nobody is allowed to say anything bad about it
and when I say nobody,I mean everybody in this planet>>
All religions go through various stages of development. Islam is a relatively young religion - - it's prophet was born in the 6th century A.D.which was about 15 centuries back. When Christianity was about the same age as that (say the 15th century AD) it was pretty much immune to public critique as well. If you said anything bad about it, or even if you belonged to a prohibited sect of it, the consequences could be pretty gruesome. You could face all the tortures of the Spanish Inquisition and even in England or Scotland you could be burned at the stake.
Religion is pretty much a senseless and illogical belief system and the easiest way to keep the schmucks in line is with brute force and instilling the fear of God into them by horrible public tortures and executions. Otherwise most sane and normal people would just say, "This is fucking bullshit" and walk out on the whole thing. Over time, the rulers of states realize they need scientists and logic more than they need priests, because science and logic will always find the friendliest environment, and if that happens to be in another country, you can bet that that country will have superior weapons and tactics before too long. So the rulers need to sacrifice some of the priestly freedoms to attract science and logic and of course this has led to a great weakening of religious power. They now can't enforce a state religion or torture and murder non-believers. What happened to Christianity will over time happen to Islam too.