<<Isn't amazing how Mike takes the word of people who sacrifice their own women and children to further their vicious bloodlust . . . >>
Holy shit! So * James Akins * Eugene K. Bird * Francis Boyle * Paul Findley * Andrew Killgore * Pete McCloskey * Donald Neff
* Edward Peck and * Alison Weir sacrificed their own women and children to further their vicious bloodlust. I never suspected. How many "women and children" did that bitch Alison Weir have to sacrifice anyway? Did she keep any for herself?
Rich, you're getting crazier by the minute. If America Knew is actually a lot more reputable than any of the Zio-Nazi sites you love to quote from, and quite credible. But hey, it's a free country. You don't HAVE to believe them. And I know you never will. Your problem is that you have to convince American people who DON'T have an axe to grind in the Middle East not to believe them. And that's a struggle you're losing ground in every day.
<< . . . over a group of people who simply want to live in peace?>>
Yeah on land occupied by others who were there before them and don't like to see their homes and orchards bulldozed to make room for them.
<< It's truly amazing. Given these people claim to do these monstrous things in the name of their perverted concept of god, you would think a communist like Mike would instantly be against them. But no.>>
Why? People who believe in God aren't wrong about
everything. These particular believers have a pretty good idea who forced them off their land and into refugee camps, who shelled their homes and killed their children and whose army is pushing them around on their own land at roadside checkpoints. Believing in God didn't turn them into total idiots.
<<People often wonder why seemingly thoughtful people gravitate to and support such blood thirsty killers. I've read some explanations which center on the liberal/socialist tendency to gravitate to the "Palestinian" cause because they have this twisted affinity toward minorities. They see the Israeli/"Palestinian conflict in these terms; the "Palestin as are an oppressed minority and Israel is the big bad majority. It doesn't matter to them that the minority is a brutal theocracy bent on committing total genocide of the Israeli people, they are locked onto the "oppressed minority" template and simply cannot see past it. Nothing the majority does is justified to these people because simply being the majority makes them wrong.>>
Gee, Rich, thanks for explaining why I sympathize with the Palestinians. I always thought it was because the Jews are usurpers who pushed them off their land, are settling it as fast as they can, killed their women and children, destroyed their property and their livelihoods, refused to grant them basic human rights, walled them off like animals in a pen and legalized torture and murder as legitimate tools against any resistance they might put up. But your reasons are much better. I guess.
<<This is why people like Mike believe more Alsatians [
![Huh ???](http://debategate.com/new3dhs/Smileys/default/huh.gif)
??] have been killed than Israelis, and all the Palestinans (the minority) are innocent littel cherubs who were simply victims of Israel's (the majority) brutal war of oppression. >>
Little reality check here would be in order. Who's occupying the West Bank and who's living under the gun? Whose women and children are being killed in far greater numbers and whose in far lesser numbers?
<<The reality is that these Palestinians are monsters who will committ the most vicious acts of barberism to worship their "god" and will say anything to fool people like Mike into continuing to hold onto his template.>>
The reality is that YOU are a fucking racist pig who like Hitler before you can demonize an entire people to serve your dreams of conquest and domination AND the Palestinians are people like anyone else - - people that have been pushed beyond the brink by intolerable and unconscionable Jewish rapacity and inhumanity and have reacted with rage and desperation instead of rolling over and letting the bad guys win.