Surely you jest! Bush's tax cuts are absurd -- there is simply not enough money coming in and/or we are spending like crazy and not only in Iraq. We need a fiscally responsible politician who is also conservative on social issues, and that, R.R., is a rare bird in this neocon age. Look, the last time I voted Democrat in the Presidential race was Jimmy Carter, but in my view, Bush has NOT done us any favors by spending willy-nilly and getting us involved in absurd entanglements like Iraq. And, if I am any indication, the Dems will have a field day come next November. As it stands now, it just ain't even gonna be close, dude!
Of all the adjectives that might be used to describe Mr. Huckabee's no doubt sterling qualities, "fiscally responsible" wouldn't have occurred to me. His track record says he spends like a sailor.
Huckabee may not be perfect but the man has got it all over Guiliani in character and is more conservative throughout.
I am not particularly a shill for Guiliani, but he's not the worst possible choice. Whatever one might think of his character and ideology, he at least has a track record of being a competent executive.
What definition of "conservative" are you using? Seems to me Huckabee's track record says he's anything but.
Just because Guiliani did a great job in post-9/11 NYC does not automatically make him good presidential material. I learned that in Jimmy Carter. He thought he would be a good president since he was governor of Georgia. Well, guess what? Running the United States is a heckuva lot different than running the state of Georgia. Folks like Bert Lance, arrrgh!
I agree that being a successful governor does not necessarily translate to a successful presidency. But the way I hear it, Carter wasn't even a particularly effective governor.
Huckabee suffers form this same problem, but I simply do nto see another conservative around as good. Romney? Too polished. I aks you, what is really going on there? Do you know? Does anyone other than his handlers and the Elders?
What's wrong with polished in a president? As to who knows what's going on, I'll point out that Romney has been endorsed by Paul Weyrich, who is no idiot, and would have been unlikely to have lent his endorsement without some assurances.
Further, in terms of executive experience, Romney probably has the strongest resume of any candidate in either party. If we're going to get stuck with socialized health-care, I'd rather it was architected by an astute fiscal manager like Romney than a tax-and-spend populist like Huckabee.