<<Been there, done that route Tee. Everyone, even those who don't support the war or Bush, has been deemed by you as some RW rag, a puppet of the administration, a stealth war supporter, etc., etc., etc. In other words, you've made up your mind, and no one is going to confuse you with the facts, including those with intimate knowledge of how the intelligence agencies work>>
So you admit that you DON'T have a single reputable article that supports your ludicrous contention that France, Russia, China and Germany all saw the "menace" of Saddam and his WMD as Bush did immediately prior to the invasion. Thank you.
<<No, the WORDS of those who have had substantial knowledge of the intelligence agencies, and how they come to their conclusions is the proof. >>
Oh, I get it. We rely on the word of the insiders themselves. Extrinsic evidence not allowed. "Did you as head of the CIA, doctor your intelligence reports to suit the policy needs of the Bush administration?" "No, sir, I did not." "OK, that 's good enough for me. Case closed." Brilliant.
<<Saddam chose not to fully comply . . . >>
Lie no. 1 - - Saddam complied substantially, in massive detail and to the best of his ability, and within the deadline by two or three full days.
<< . . . and [Saddam] called the U.S. bluff. >>
Lie no. 2 - - calling the U.S. bluff would have been presenting a half-assed obviously non-compliant response or better yet, none at all, or still better, telling the UN and/or the U.S. to go fuck themselves.
<< But of course, this time, it wasn't empty rhetoric, the U.S. actually meant what it said, and serious consequences were unleashed upon Saddam and his regime. >>
Uh, the ultimatum was a UN ultimatum, not a U.S. ultimatum. The U.S. , speaking for the U.N. without being asked to do so, took it upon itself to invade Iraq, a sanction which the UN itself did not see as required in the circumstances. Basically, this was a predetermined war of aggression seeking a fig-leaf of justification, and the UN demand, which the UN itself deemed satisfied, was used as that fig-leaf.
<<Saddam was taken out, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. >>
When the mission is accomplished, the troops come home. The mission was not accomplished because the troops were never called back. The mission was not to depose Saddam and leave the country in chaos, it was (officially, anyway) to leave the country with a functioning democratic government. The mission was NEVER accomplished and Bush knew it.
<<The problem is he can't get any of these FACTS passed his already predisposed template of how evil Amerikka and Bush are supposed to be. >>
Huh? Supposed to be? They ARE!
<< So, all this goes into his template, and out comes the garbage of manipulated intel [OBVIOUSLY TRUE] Bush and Bush alone lying us into war [BUSH HAD PLENTY OF LIARS HELPING HIM, I NEVER SAID HE LIED ALONE], while everyone else apparently simply were mistaken, [SOME WERE DUPED OTHERS LIED WITH BUSH] imminent nuke atttack by Saddam upon the U.S. despite any quotes of such, ["WE CAN'T WAIT TILL THE SMOKING GUN BECOMES THE MUSHROOM CLOUD," HOW'S THAT FOR A QUOTE?] critics of the war and Bush who write about the near unanimous global concensus on the intel, [NO SUCH CONSENSUS EXISTS] are really stealth supporters of Bush and the war, official commissions and investigations covering themselves despite any evidence of course, when they unanimously concluded no manipulation of intel or cooercion of intel agents by Bush or his Administration, [CAREFULLY SELECTED WHITEWASH ARTISTS] American butchers slaughtering innocent Iraqis in cold blood
when not torturing them, [THEY DO] all at the behest and support of this Administration, [HAVE AUTHORIZED WATERBOARDING, FAILED TO PUNISH ANY PERP SEVERELY] again despite the condemnations [LIES] of any actions that are truely barbaric and PROSECUTED [RESULTING IN ACQUITTALS, SWEETHEART DEALS OR WRIST SLAPS] upon those who've committed them