Since I'm ususally of the mindset that what one says it what one means, I'm intrigued at this reference to "code words"
Democrat Charley Rangel once proclaimed that Republicans no longer refer to minorities as nig.... & spi..., they now just say let's "cut taxes". So, I guess whenever a Republican is saying let's cut taxes he's actually raining racial slurs, according to Ragel. According to Tee, "Family Values" when Republicans reference it, really means "we hate gays" (I'm serious, you can't make this stuff up)
So, what are some of the other major political party code words? Just curious
Seems Alan is even more Jewish than he used to be.
Intelligence does what it does, and fades and recedes when the press starts to sound free. The first thing to realize about intelligence is that it must play outside of the boundaries, and they do, and have no responsibility for any perceived morality. That is why oversight is so important. Oversight would stay excess, and avoid the carnival of public outcry. Lack of it produces what is playing out now.
Every country than can is manufacturing anything nuclear they can.
One moral question is whether there is hypocracy when America, who has most of the nuclear product made into weapons, determines who and who not in the world should have such capabilities. The counter-argument is that they are not democratic and we are spreading democracy. That argument is usually countered with pictures and reports of us denuding their resources without so much as a 'by your leave.'
This administration has engendered an almost universal disgust, fear and hatred of America in the rest of the world by their unnecessary, unprovoked and highly profitable invasion of Iraq, whose resources were auctioned off to the world by Paul Bremer, and the oil is flowing into mostly the U.S.'s cans.
When you introduce this notion and the notion of nuclear capability, it clearly portends a disaster only waiting to happen. The best intelligence in the world cannot prevent it from happening. It is only a matter of time.
You have to ask yourself, 'if I was born in another country, and had allegiance to that country, and none to America, would I consider the source of the threat to the world to be emanating from America?'
As long as we continue to allow this administration to represent America with this imperialistic Neocon haught, rather than rational diplomacy, we are getting closer to hell.
The world is waiting for a change from America, and would negotiate (diplomacy, and what politics used to be).
This change, negotiation and diplomacy would do what our bully posture cannot, and is the only chance for averting sure disaster.
And note carefully than in any discussion regarding the war, the imperialism and the concurence with nuclear build-up to intimidate the world while pretending to 'make it safe,' down on the front row of that theatre is Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She may have signed her political death warrant when she voted yea on Iran. Buish has lost all credibility, and the press he once controlled is actually making fun of him on the TV pundit circuit. Hillary will get some of that discrediting, too.
There is only one country that needs regime changing by us.