<<I think Tee is trying to apply that anyone who associates with the GOP, must then by design either be racist or condone racism, because in his upside down world, the GOP embraces racists, despite when obvious racists are condemned if not thrown out of the party. >>
That's simply not true. Both Trent Lott and Senator Macacawitz are obviously STILL in the Party. And who was thrown off the RNC for its racist ads in the Tennessee Senatorial race? You are just making stuff up as you go along. You'd have to be a Klansman in full regalia to get thrown out of the Republican Party for racism.
<<And since his vision of racism is so broad as it relates to the GOP, any questionable comment can be deemed racist, thus his ability to then apply his keen rationalization ability, & conclude how the GOP is the racist party. >>
What's questionable about "macaca" and "Welcome to the real America?" directed at a young dark-skinned man? What's questionable about wishing for a Strom Thurmond Presidential victory? Anybody here not know what Strom Thurmond stood for? What's questionable about stuffing a severed deer's head in a black family's mailbox or keeping Confederate flags and nooses in your office? The problem is not that my vision of racism is "so broad," it's that yours is impossibly narrow. You'd probably find some way to claim that a lynch mob wasn't really racist if one of your beloved Republicans were to be caught leading one.
<<And by Dem design since minority races are by design in the minority, whatever obvious & overt racist comments they make, be it by Wrangel, Sharpton, Waters, Jackson, etc., are not really racist becuase they're the minority. >>
Oh, really? Maybe you could find out where I said that? Because I don't recall saying it. You're going to get a reputation just like sirs if you keep that up, another bullshit artist who can't back up a word of what he claims I said.
<<When caricatures and offensive cartoons are made to distort a person's looks via they're race, that isn't racist either, because by Tee design, they work for a racist party, so it's ok to racially demean her at that point >>
See my last comment. I never said that and I never approved of any cartoon that demeaned anyone solely on the basis of their looks. I try to keep these exchanges polite but if you're going to claim that I said things I never said, and then fail to back it up with a single post, I'm going to have to call you out as a liar and a bullshitter, just like our friend. I hope it doesn't come to that. Dig up the example and I'll apologize but otherwise take it back.