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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 08:20:17 PM »
Evolution is neither orthodoxy nor unorthodoxy., it is science.It is neither a religion nor a substitute for any religion. It as close to the truth in the question "where do we come from" that science can discover. There is far, far FAR more proof for evolution than there ever will be for the Book of Genesis.

You have a right to remain ignorant, but you must allow your children to think for themselves

If you, like most mammels, kuff your offspring to correct their often self-endangering behavior, you can go to jail, and even have your young taken away from you.

But if you keep them stone ignorant, nada.

So shoud the government be more, or less, involved in  childrearing?


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2008, 09:18:11 PM »
Locally, teachers are called into the office for even mentioning the word evolution, always after the kid goes home and clues in the abysmally over-zealous.

You got a source for that statement?
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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2008, 11:25:38 PM »
I reckon next Plane will want schools to stop teaching math because they don't teach that the value of pi is exactly 3, as mentioned in 1 Kings 7:23. And you can completely forget history.
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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2008, 11:39:54 PM »
I reckon next Plane will want schools to stop teaching math because they don't teach that the value of pi is exactly 3, as mentioned in 1 Kings 7:23. And you can completely forget history.

These things are all just as clearly forbidden as prayer in class.

(Only atiests are so literal minded that they must have all the numbers add up precicely in a description that uses no more precice measure than the cubit.


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2008, 12:58:19 PM »
That the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is the same for all circles, and that it is slightly more than 3, was known to ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Greek geometers. The earliest known approximations date from around 1900 BC; they are 25/8 (Babylonia) and 256/81 (Egypt), both within 1% of the true value. The Indian text Shatapatha Brahmana gives π as 339/108 ≈ 3.139. The Books of Kings (600 BC) appears to suggest π = 3, which is notably worse than other estimates available at the time, although the interpretation of the passage is disputed. -From Wikipedia

Cubit or no, they should have been able to better approximate the circumference, perhaps to 30 1/2 cubits, which would have been closer. Though why the Hebrews would be 1300 years behind everyone else in being able to approximate the value of pi escapes me.

Regardless, like evolution, the modern, accepted value of pi is not correct according to the Bible, so I figured you would not want it taught as well. I reckon that would put you out of a job.

Then there's all that history the Bible gets wrong. Can't teach that anymore either. And remember, the entire universe is only about 6012 years old, throwing into doubt all those astronomical calculations about the distance to other galaxies based on light years, since nothing could exist over 6012 light years away or we would never be able to see it.
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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2008, 12:48:45 AM »
That the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is the same for all circles, and that it is slightly more than 3, was known to ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Greek geometers. The earliest known approximations date from around 1900 BC; they are 25/8 (Babylonia) and 256/81 (Egypt), both within 1% of the true value. The Indian text Shatapatha Brahmana gives π as 339/108 ≈ 3.139. The Books of Kings (600 BC) appears to suggest π = 3, which is notably worse than other estimates available at the time, although the interpretation of the passage is disputed. -From Wikipedia

Cubit or no, they should have been able to better approximate the circumference, perhaps to 30 1/2 cubits, which would have been closer. Though why the Hebrews would be 1300 years behind everyone else in being able to approximate the value of pi escapes me.

Regardless, like evolution, the modern, accepted value of pi is not correct according to the Bible, so I figured you would not want it taught as well. I reckon that would put you out of a job.

Then there's all that history the Bible gets wrong. Can't teach that anymore either. And remember, the entire universe is only about 6012 years old, throwing into doubt all those astronomical calculations about the distance to other galaxies based on light years, since nothing could exist over 6012 light years away or we would never be able to see it.

I suppose that a cast bronze tub that size would have been one of the largest castings in the world at that time and would have require the planning of real experts at molding and casting
They must have used more precise measurement than this necessarily.

In any part of the bible that the cubit is used , a fraction of a cubit is never used.

But to describe the relationship of a diameter to a circumference in whole numbers one to three is correct and the .1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 
that disappears is proper rounding .


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2008, 01:28:54 AM »
In any part of the bible that the cubit is used , a fraction of a cubit is never used.

The Bible never mentions a lot of things that we know exist. Or are we allowed only to believe in things that are mentioned in the Bible?

I refer you to , which lists many of the ancient Hebrew units of measurement. Surely some conmbination of these could have been used to more closely approximate the circumference of the bowl. Say, thirty cubits and a span (you can look that one up, by the way - a span is equal to 3 palms, or 12 fingerbreadths). And span is mentioned in the Bible.

But if you want to insist the Hebrews were so uneducated as to state the value of pi as 3 when most of the civilizations around them had it computed to within 1% of the correct value over 1300 years before, well, then I guess maybe they were just that stupid.

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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 01:47:26 AM »

In any part of the bible that the cubit is used , a fraction of a cubit is never used.

The Bible never mentions a lot of things that we know exist. Or are we allowed only to believe in things that are mentioned in the Bible?

I refer you to , which lists many of the ancient Hebrew units of measurement. Surely some combination of these could have been used to more closely approximate the circumference of the bowl. Say, thirty cubits and a span (you can look that one up, by the way - a span is equal to 3 palms, or 12 fingerbreadths). And span is mentioned in the Bible.

But if you want to insist the Hebrews were so uneducated as to state the value of pi as 3 when most of the civilizations around them had it computed to within 1% of the correct value over 1300 years before, well, then I guess maybe they were just that stupid.

And why would you want to use greater precision in the description ?
There is not give enough detail to make a copy of the tub , that much detail would be a book itself.

Rounding to whole numbers ,the figure is absolutely correct. If rouded to half cubits the error would be reduced a little , not much , what would be the point ?You cannot define Pi with no error.
But Bible critics tend to be very literal minded and interested in the unimportant.
The Temple and Palace built by Soloman are described in terms that make it clear that the were amazing for size and expense.

The tub in question must have had few equals in the world at the time , give or take a half cubit.

Could you describe a more contemporary engineering project such as the Apollo program?

Would you bog the reader down by never approximating anything?

If you ever used an approxamation , could I seize on it as proof that there was never an Apollo program?


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2008, 02:40:11 AM »
I reckon next Plane will want schools to stop teaching math because they don't teach that the value of pi is exactly 3, as mentioned in 1 Kings 7:23. And you can completely forget history.

Here is a good one.

There are no persons I know of who are offended by the approximation of Pi , other than the Bible critics you brought to my attention.

\but /

As a Hypothetical proposition , yes , if there were a church that was against the teaching of Pi's approximation being carried out into fractions , their members should not be forced ,by the government, to admit otherwise.

It is beside the point that Evolution is true , just as it is beside the point that no on has ever told you the  value of Pi except as an approximation.

The difference in the approximation of 3 from the approximation of 3.14 is an error of 5.5% approximately.


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2008, 03:40:56 AM »
If you wish to prevent your children from even hearing about science, then you should move to a state where you can homeschool them as you wish, and they can remain ignorant of all the same things you yourself enjoy being ignorant of.

I think Alaska is a good choice, but Idaho is also pretty good. Of course, Mississippi has the highest degree of ignorance attainable within the boundaries of the US.

You should strive to live as far from contact with other humans as you can. Both Idaho and Alaska have really remote places where you could build a log cabin and put meat on the family table with your very own firearms, preferably a shotgun and a rifle.

Then you could homeschool your children. Luckily for you, all children are born ignorant, and there is nothing that would force you to own a radio or TV. That way you could prevent them from accidentally watching PBS or some educational program that might deal with science, for you a heretical religion.

All are born ignorant, many remain ignorant throughout their lives, and your darling children...they could have ignorance thrust upon them.
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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2008, 08:08:45 AM »
If you wish to prevent your children from even hearing about science, then you should move to a state where you can homeschool them as you wish, and they can remain ignorant of all the same things you yourself enjoy being ignorant of.

I think Alaska is a good choice, but Idaho is also pretty good. Of course, Mississippi has the highest degree of ignorance attainable within the boundaries of the US.

You should strive to live as far from contact with other humans as you can. Both Idaho and Alaska have really remote places where you could build a log cabin and put meat on the family table with your very own firearms, preferably a shotgun and a rifle.

Then you could homeschool your children. Luckily for you, all children are born ignorant, and there is nothing that would force you to own a radio or TV. That way you could prevent them from accidentally watching PBS or some educational program that might deal with science, for you a heretical religion.

All are born ignorant, many remain ignorant throughout their lives, and your darling children...they could have ignorance thrust upon them.

Why should freedom be available only in the hinterlands?

While in Urban settings the Government is allowed to define truth for the people?


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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2008, 11:32:50 AM »
hy should freedom be available only in the hinterlands?

While in Urban settings the Government is allowed to define truth for the people?
Lookit, science is closest approximation that the human race has come to fact and is necessary for any modern person to relate to the modern world in which they live.

I think it is appropriate that those who believe that women were created from a man's rib, that every animal on the planet could be gathered up in just one spot and crammed on a boat for 40 days, and that the universe was founded 6,000 years ago in six days should live without the benefits of science. They should not be given modern medicines, they need to wait for someone with divine gifts to come along and cure them with the laying on of miraculous hands.

When they decide to toast their breakfast muffins, they should not need the Power and Light companies, they should rely on the power, power, wonder-working power of the Precious Blood of the Holy Savior.

Hence. if thou wisheth to live in the Age of Holy Ignorance, then get thee unto the Hinterlands. Thou belongest not in the appliance aisle of thy local Wal*Mart.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 05:05:34 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2008, 12:24:27 PM »
The difference in the approximation of 3 from the approximation of 3.14 is an error of 5.5% approximately.

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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2008, 04:03:19 PM »
The difference in the approximation of 3 from the approximation of 3.14 is an error of 5.5% approximately.




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Re: Teach the orthodox ,orthodoxy
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2008, 03:29:49 AM »
The writing of the Bible was done by priests. I imagine that a Hebrew builder would have known a more acxcurate value for pi, but the priests would have well been ignorant of that, as building things was not their schtick.

I don't think I'd hire a preacher to build my house. or even expect one to have an adequate knowledge to set up my DVD recorder or VHS recorder.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."