<< . . . every port we sail into has nothing but the utmost respect for the US Navy.>>
They don't have to have the utmost respect, but the captain's duty is to formulate minimal acceptable conditions to ensure the safety of his ship in port and if the port authorities cannot or will not provide them, then the schmuck should keep his ship safe at anchor outside the port. Or just find a friendlier place to visit.
<<Many ports are small, and in many cases a ship cannot keep a sufficient buffer around itself, because even if you shoot up the boat, it has inertia. >>
Well, it goes back to what I said in the first place. If the port cannot or will not provide the security the ship requires, stay out of the fucking port. How smart do they need to be to figure that one out?
<<The only truly safe thing to do is to take out every small ship in port as you sail in, then you don't have to worry about 'em.>>
Yeah, THAT'LL work, good idea. Why not bombard the town too, while you're at it?