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Alabama Candidate Campaigns on Cleavage
« on: October 25, 2006, 01:06:26 PM »
Oct 23, 8:43 PM (ET)


MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Loretta Nall, the Libertarian Party's write-in candidate for governor of Alabama, is campaigning on her cleavage and hoping that voters will eventually focus on her platform.

"It started out as a joke, but it blew up into something huge," said Nall, a 32-year-old with dyed blond hair.

Her campaign is offering T-shirts and marijuana stash boxes adorned with a photo of her with a plunging neckline and the words: "More of these boobs." Below that are pictures of other candidates for governor - including Republican incumbent Bob Riley and Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley - and the words: "And less of these boobs."

Her Web site has a cartoon of someone stuffing bills down the front of her low-cut top. And for $50 donation she apparently offers to show a cartoon of herself flashing her breasts.

Nall, who spoke in an interview Friday on the Capitol steps, realizes that is about as close as she is going to get to the governor's office. But her outrageous antics have helped her attract attention not normally enjoyed by write-in candidates.

Nall is calling for the withdrawal of the Alabama National Guard from Iraq, tax credits for sending children to private school and home schooling, opting out of the No Child Left Behind Act, legalizing marijuana, and not complying with the Patriot Act and the Real ID Act.

The Libertarian Party could not collect the 40,000 voter signatures needed to get her name on the ballot, and she has not reached the $25,000 threshold in contributions that would require her to file a campaign finance report.

Despite the political handicaps, she knows how to get free attention.

Early in her campaign, she talked about how her misdemeanor arrest for marijuana possession in 2002 led her to start the U.S. Marijuana Party.

Then she entertained readers of her campaign Web site with lots of information about her personal life, including a discussion of why she doesn't wear panties.

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Re: Alabama Candidate Campaigns on Cleavage
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 01:44:47 PM »

This ties in to the recent little flap over criticiseing Hillary Clinton and Ann Colter for how they look.

Nall didn't exploit her looks untill someone ridiculed her and involved her large breasts in the ridicule.

This should not matter like it does , but if it is going to matter , lets let her use it positively and shame those who think of her no more than how she fills her shirt. Why is it supposed to be impossible for a shapely , beautifull or a shapeless , homely woman to have good thinking going on ?

The most dramitic incident of history I know of that involves this principal is a story about Sojorner Truth , Ms. Truth wasw tall and gaunt and there was a roumor that she was a Man in a dress. She showed up once to give a speech for a congregation and fouind that they had artanged a screen on the stage so that her body could be verified as female by a Doctor .  Instead she opened her blouse for the congregation so that her breasts made her sex unmistakeable and she told the Congregation , "This is not my shame , but yours."


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Re: Alabama Candidate Campaigns on Cleavage
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 09:00:07 PM »
I never heard that story! 
Thanks, Plane. 
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