There's an election right now where the democratic contender's name is chopped off because it wouldn't fit on the screen. While ALL the candidates' party affiliations have been chopped as well.
This is just crazy!
I forget where that was happening but the election commissioner was like "Oh we'll have it fixed by the NEXT election cycle like it's no big deal. Like they're out of hot dogs at the 7/11 but they'll have more tomorrow.
I saw a video on YouTube or Google where a guy was testifying that he had been asked to write a program that would cover up how an election was stolen.
And election commissions all across the country just keep buying these things. What's crazy is the place where I vote every time is usually staffed by people over 60 who don't really even know how to work a mouse it seems like. I just don't understand how it keeps rolling and no one is saying, "Hey, we're not buying one more of these things till all the kinks are out of them."
And if the Dems DO get control of the house and senate, then I'd be just as inclined to watch them. (Now, of course, my reasons are more tinfoil hatty than most. If Hillary wins the "presidency" in '08 then I will be convinced that the DLC/triangulation types have been in cahoots with the neo-con/Rovian types all along. Why? you may ask? Just 'cause.)