Author Topic: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?  (Read 19133 times)

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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2008, 12:00:30 AM »
>>... as close to a racist as anyone who does not regularly don his bedclothing and strut about with a cross to burn.<<

Like Senator Byrd  presume.



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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2008, 12:04:14 AM »
Cynthia, so like most liberals, you'll defend anything. Stunning.

I suggst you stick to what you're good and and stay on the porch sweetheart.

Sorry, Rich...couldn't help but chuckle. You have to admit sometimes you go straight to the hard core "disturbing' in your posts.

Ok...back to the rockie on my porch...d'oh.


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2008, 12:06:43 AM »
Reagan?  Shit, don't get me started.  Reagan prayed in a Nazi cemetery over the graves of dead SS troopers and claimed that they too were victims of the Holocaust.  Reagan WAS a fascist.  He supported the fascist death squads of Central America.  In one quote he actually said that the Nicaraguan Contras were "the equivalent of our Founding Fathers."

Reagan is not an example of being tarred with guilt by association.  Reagan was a fucking NAZI and his associations simply prove it.

So here you go , association is proof.

You do it so smoothly you are unaware of it yourself .

Reagan was an FDR voter , reconcileing with former enmies is a better idea than preserveing enimnity , the visit to the SS graveyard was a good idea.  The villans of WWII invested their all in a lie that they beleived , they died in ignorance and guilt , or lived in guilt and injury. They ,like we ,all die eventually but worse off than ordinary people for the guilt they were tricked into accepting.


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2008, 12:17:17 AM »
Go away Cynthia.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2008, 12:23:33 AM »
<<Reagan was an FDR voter , reconcileing with former enmies is a better idea than preserveing enimnity>>

Wow, are you ever underinformed about Reagan.  While still a Democrat, Reagan used his position as President of the Screen Actors Guild to spy on the members of his own union and report on their communistic tendencies to the FBI.  He was basically a fink, drifted from there into right-wing politics, much as Hitler, after the end of WWI, became an Army spy against left-wing movements, from where he naturally drifted into right-wing politics.

""the visit to the SS graveyard was a good idea. ""

Sure, if you're a Nazi.

"The villans of WWII invested their all in a lie that they beleived , they died in ignorance and guilt , or lived in guilt and injury."

For which they deserve to be honoured by the visit of a President of the United States of America?

"They ,like we ,all die eventually but worse off than ordinary people for the guilt they were tricked into accepting."

You really don't get it, do you?  Most of them NEVER accepted any guilt.  Not even today.  They "did their duty," "followed their orders," "never saw any atrocities," "knew nothing."   The S.S. veterans meetings are still well-attended.  I've never heard one where they all fall to their knees and collectively admit guilt, repent and seek forgiveness.   Usually they like to order German beer and sing the old songs.


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2008, 11:59:01 AM »
Usually they like to order German beer and sing the old songs.

Perhaps you were expecting them to drink Bud Lite and sing hip-hop?
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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2008, 01:11:10 PM »

YOU don't have the right to stop ME from sticking medically necessary needles into YOUR child. 

 not when their ability to dictate how others must live is at stake.

So having the right to tell Jehovah's witnesses what they must do is not an example of dictating to others?

But it is okay. Remember, the Left actually WANTS more government in our lives. So, chill, Plane.  ;)
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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2008, 01:13:46 PM »
<<Reagan was an FDR voter , reconcileing with former enmies is a better idea than preserveing enimnity>>

Wow, are you ever underinformed about Reagan.  While still a Democrat, Reagan used his position as President of the Screen Actors Guild to spy on the members of his own union and report on their communistic tendencies to the FBI.  He was basically a fink, drifted from there into right-wing politics, much as Hitler, after the end of WWI, became an Army spy against left-wing movements, from where he naturally drifted into right-wing politics.

""the visit to the SS graveyard was a good idea. ""

Sure, if you're a Nazi.

"The villans of WWII invested their all in a lie that they beleived , they died in ignorance and guilt , or lived in guilt and injury."

For which they deserve to be honoured by the visit of a President of the United States of America?

"They ,like we ,all die eventually but worse off than ordinary people for the guilt they were tricked into accepting."

You really don't get it, do you?  Most of them NEVER accepted any guilt.  Not even today.  They "did their duty," "followed their orders," "never saw any atrocities," "knew nothing."   The S.S. veterans meetings are still well-attended.  I've never heard one where they all fall to their knees and collectively admit guilt, repent and seek forgiveness.   Usually they like to order German beer and sing the old songs.

Mt, many of these Nazis were only Nazis in name only. Just because you were a Nazi, even in the dreaded SS, does not mean you were "evil". Perhaps you are clouded by your hatred?
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2008, 01:14:38 PM »
Usually they like to order German beer and sing the old songs.

Perhaps you were expecting them to drink Bud Lite and sing hip-hop?

Naw, they didn't drink LITE beers back then. Back then when MEN were MEN and...well, you know.
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2008, 01:28:53 PM »
My comment was in jest, of course.

German SS vets might be evil, they might be Satanic, but they are Germans, and Germans would sooner quench their thirst with horsep*ss from the Bud Wagon Clydesdales than with LITE beer in the Wagon they brought it in.

Assuming that a wagon of Bud Lite could actually get into Germany, of course.
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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2008, 03:01:47 PM »
Let's see ... there's Jesus. If you associate yourself with him, the left brings out all the old standards.

Perhaps some on the left do, I certainly don't.  I don't like the idea of mandated prayer in schools, or displaying the 10 Commandments as a political gimmick, but I have no problem with someone being religious and believeing whatever it is that they believe.

Then there's Pat Roberston. He's a sure fire winner

I don't like Pat Robertson.  Period.  I personally have no respect for someone that associates directly with him, but the 3 degrees of separation thing that sirs pointed out is legitimate.  I can't judge someone because they know someone who knows someone, that's unfair to the person that I'm looking at.

"[Homosexuals] want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers." The 700 Club, 1/18/95

Some good Pat Robertson quotes:

Jerry Falwell, when he was alive anyway.

Same thing for Pat Robertson.

?AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals?

?Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America?

Jerry Falwell quotes:

The Catholic Church. If your Catholic, you lefties simply can't resist play the "pedophile" priest card. Also associating yourself with the Church get's you branded a sexual devient because of the church' stance on birth control and abortion.

In my experience, most of the most fervent anti-Catholics are the evangelicals.  That's not to say some on the left aren't anti-Catholic, but it sure as hell isn't restricted to the left.  I was raised Catholic and was devout for many years, only recently having left the Church when I couldn't reconcile some of my personal beliefs with the teachings of the Church.  JS is Catholic.  I'm not sure who else is, but Catholics as a whole are some of the more liberal religious folks out there (which again, is not to say that there aren't conservative Catholics, but compared to say, evangelicals, or fundamentalists, they're pretty liberal as a group).

As I said above, it isn't legitimate to judge someone on three degrees of separation.  This also isn't a value restricted to the left, the right uses it too.  In neither case is it okay or correct.  Direct association is one thing, indirect is another.  As for Bob Jones, I personally could care less if someone goes there and gives a speech.  A lot of times it's pandering, but so what?  Both parties do that, whether it's a Republican at Bob Jones or a Democrat at a black church.

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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2008, 03:06:48 PM »
<<Perhaps you were expecting them to drink Bud Lite and sing hip-hop?>>

No, but that'd be a great scene for a Woody Allen or Mel Brooks movie.   


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2008, 03:29:35 PM »
>>  I'm not sure who else is (Catholic) ... <<

I'm Catholic. Went to Catholic school and everything.


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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2008, 03:40:10 PM »
If memory serves we have quite a few Catholics as members, either active or fallen away.

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Re: Why Does Obama's Pastor Matter?
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2008, 03:50:00 PM »
<<Mt, many of these Nazis were only Nazis in name only. Just because you were a Nazi, even in the dreaded SS, does not mean you were "evil". >>

So now not even the "dreaded SS" were evil?  I gotta laugh at the moral relativism here.  If the SS weren't evil, who WAS evil?  The Andrews sisters?

<<Perhaps you are clouded by your hatred?>>

I think so too.  Blinded is more like it.  It's an outrage that they even exist and still breathe.  But the bottom line is that we're all capable of doing the same thing.  Who punished the Canadian army for Somalia?  Who punished the U.S. for  My Lai?  Who punished the Israelis for Sabra and Shatila?

I guess the answer is that the human race is still in the early stages of its evolution and that we have centuries or even millennia of more Auschwitzes, My Lais, Sabras and Shatilas  ahead of us before we turn into anything better.  Meantime everyone gets a pass - - you smashed open a kid's head and spilled his brains into the mother's face?  Hey, no problem, say three Hail Marys and try to love Jews and gypsies a little more, OK?  You raped that girl before you blew her head open, and then fished around in it for the gold teeth?  It's OK, c'mon in, it's almost dinner time.  Welcome to the human race.