Or worse yet, Ron Paul.
Hey now, don't be mean.
Oh come on, I'm just kicking a man when he's down. That's a grand political tradition.
Ron Paul is not down, he is UP.
Look how much money he has raised!
See how many true conservatives support him!
Not since the 1950's and Senator Bob 'Mr Republican ' Taft, has a conservative Republican presidential candidate attained such popularity. I think Wendell Willke and the other guy the GOP ran against FDR were also rather wimpy.
Herbert Hoover was highly suspect in 1924 when he got the nomination. He saved a lot of commies from starvation, after all. That was an excess of compassion to many in the Party, who preferred brainless figureheads like Warren G Harding, who LOOKED presidential and let them get way with their traditional rape and pillage of the country's natural resources, as was their right.