Author Topic: A Declaration Against Genocide  (Read 2369 times)

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Re: A Declaration Against Genocide
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2008, 08:33:24 PM »
I sit corrected

You ought to scroll the pictures on that Daneish site ,every fourth one is bizzare.


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Re: A Declaration Against Genocide
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2008, 10:05:23 PM »
I sit corrected

You ought to scroll the pictures on that Daneish site ,every fourth one is bizzare.

You mean, every fourth one is a funeral?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 10:31:10 PM by sirs »
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Michael Tee

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Re: A Declaration Against Genocide
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2008, 10:29:45 PM »
<<but the idea about israeli are good at making enemies is also valid
<<they are so unfriendly there are neo-nazis in isreal
<<by kids with non-jewish mothers
<<not a nice place>>

kimba, I don't usually defend Israel in this forum, but you have the entire "Neo-Nazis in Israel" story backwards.  These kids are from western Ukraine mostly (where the religion is Roman Catholic and not Orthodox as in Eastern Ukraine) and other places in Eastern Europe where anti-Semitism goes back over a thousand years, mainly due to the influence of the RCC teaching that Jesus Christ was a god and the Jews (despite him being a god) somehow managed to kill him.  For centuries these people, at the urgings of their priests and bishops, massacred and persecuted the Jews to revenge themselves for the death of their fake  god, Jesus.  The worst massacres often came at Easter, as the people, inflamed in their churches by the tales of Jesus "sufferings," spilled out of their churches directly into the ghettoes where the Jews lived, to take their revenge.

My own grandparents and my wife's parents came to Canada to escape from that persecution.  If you talk to almost any Jew in North America, whose family arrived before the rise of Adolf Hitler, that is their family story.

When Hitler invaded Russia, many of the Western Ukrainians, if they were Catholics, sided with the Nazis, and even formed into "HiWi" battalions of S.S. troops for combat alongside the Nazi S.S. and for concentration camp guard duty, where they could kill even more Jews.  Countries like Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia etc. formed their own pro-Nazi governments and sent their armies to fight on Hitler's side.

These little bastards are children of Ukrainian and other Eastern Europeans who may have been married at one time to Jews, or who claim false connections to the Jewish people in order to escape whatever shit-hole they lived in, to come to Israel, which takes in all Jews from everywhere, but one thing they could never leave behind them and that was their cultural heritage of anti-Semitism.  so the paradox was that they, Jew-hating bastards from the world capitals of anti-Semitism, found themselves against their will, transported by parents who just wanted out, in the midst of the Jewish state.  Once there, they found each other and formed their neo-Nazi bands.  They assaulted real Jews and thus came to the attention of Israeli authorities. 

I think it's safe to say that they will be taken care of the way Nazis and anti-Semites deserve to be taken care of - - not legally executed perhaps, but jailed and/or then drafted into units of the Israel Defence Force that are more or less penal units, where conditions are not the best, and when shooting starts, as it sooner or later will, their life expectancy will not be very high.

To blame this phenomenon in any way on the Jews or their "unfriendliness" is like the Nazis blaming their Jewish victims for whatever sterotypical "Jewish" qualities they had assigned to them - - greed, perversion, corruption, etc.  It's just typical "blame the victim" mentality


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Re: A Declaration Against Genocide
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2008, 01:36:04 AM »
that was not mentioned in the article i read
absolutely no mention of those kids past expet they only got jewish fathers

Michael Tee

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Re: A Declaration Against Genocide
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2008, 02:04:39 AM »
I watched a TV documentary on the kids.  Once it mentioned where they were from and who the mothers were, I knew the problem.  (In the Jewish religion, a Jew is born to a Jewish mother - - if the father is a Jew and the mother is not, the kid can't be circumcised in a religious ceremony and he or she is not a Jew.  The reason for this was that in tribal times everyone knows who the mother is, but not necessarily who the father is - - there weren't any DNA tests.  Also the mother is the one who raises the child from infancy and if she's not Jewish herself, how's she gonna raise a Jewish child?) 

These women obviously raised a bunch of Nazi hoodlums, going to school with other anti-Semitic Nazi scum,  dragged them away from whatever shit-hole they were living in in the hopes of meeting another Jewish sucker in Israel (they seem to believe that all Jews are immensely wealthy) to rescue them once again,   Unfortunately for the kids, they found themselves in a strange land surrounded by a bunch of "fuckin' Jews" whom they loathed, obviously hooked up with their own kind as they recognized one another, which is what really exacerbated the problem.  The mothers, probably now fifteen or twenty years older than what the millionaires are looking for, never find any and probably hate the kids as the reason why. 

Now these little Nazis are in a lot of trouble.  They've got tattoos they can't afford to get rid of, criminal records as Nazis and they live in Israel.  Killing them off would create a lot of bad PR.  Letting them go back to Ukraine would just be spreading the virus.  Somewhere I saw the idea (I don't know if the TV doucmentary or not - - it's obviously something the Israeli government would never admit to) that these guys will be put in "penal battalions" when the next war breaks out -- front-line shock troops that storm a position in a frontal assault and either get shot down by the enemy or hang back and take a shot in the back from their own officers.  Then the bodies can be collected, buried with enough lime to dissolve the Nazi tattoos somewhere in some cemetery that is for Christians (probably the only cemetery that would accept them) and finally the problem is solved.