Bullshit. What are you looking in the mirror again?
They have very specific goals in Lebanon. No doubt because Lebanon is their battlefront in the larger movement.
Doofus I don't think Nasrallah is going to take over the world himself.
His part is to take over Lebanon as a picee of the larger puzzle.
What "larger worldwide movement" are you talking Uh hello?
Do you read the papers?
It's in the papers on a daily basis.
The Islamist are very clear about their stated goals.
There is a violent Islamist movement all over the world.
Each one has specific goals to overthrow existing governemnts and install Islamist governments.
al-Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, released a video in which he made clear that Hezbollah's unprovoked attack against Israel was only a small part of the Militant Islamist war against the Free World.
The entire world is an open battlefield for us," Zawahiri proclaimed. "We will attack everywhere" until Islam reigns from "Spain to Iraq."
Hezbollah has expanded its terrorist campaign to other Western countries, attacking South American as well as European targets. In 1983, Hezbollah bombed the French multinational headquarters in Lebanon, killing 58 Frenchmen. Members of Hezbollah were also implicated in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Argentina that killed 85 people, as well as of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.
Nasrallah regularly urges the destruction of the United States.
about, how are they a part of it, who are the other members of it? You are just talking out of your ass, frankly, about things you know nothing about. This reminds me of nothing so much as Nazi talk of Jews being part of a vast conspiracy to dominate the world. Look no further than this Hezbollah terror master Imad Mugniyah that just got blown to bits in Syria.
http://ajacksonian.blogspot.com/2008/02/ending-mugniyah-and-missing-point.html"We will rule the nations, by Allah's will," explained a Hamas spokesman from the Al-Qassam Brigades, "the USA will be conquered, Israel will be conquered, Rome and Britain will be conquered." The inclusion of Rome in statements such as these reveal the broader ambitions of Hamas it is concerned about more than just the Palestinians, or the United States' support for Israel: its war is against the entire Western world.
It amazes me that people were dumb enough to fall for that shit then and it amazes me today that after all the horrors of the Holocaust
there are still people dumb enough to fall for the same kind of racist, genocidal shit now.If you read news headlines and the Islamist own words on a daily basis it is not very difficult to see and understand.
Governments all over the world are spending billions of dollars to combat the menace.
It's really no surprise to anyone but you.
Oh, that's VERY clever. Now I am REALLY impressed by the power of your arguments.I am not here to impresss you.
First of all, how do you know that Nasrallah is a "stooge" of anyone?The Islamic government of Iran subsidizes Hezbollah to the tune of $100 million a year.
What? You think Iran just hands over 100 million plus and says "have a great day"?

Yeah sure, now that really makes sense.
Hezbollah is the main weapon outside of Iran for Iran.
No terrorist group can succeed without support from terror-sponsoring states, which provide everything from funding, to logistical support and expertise, to sanctuary, to diplomatic backing. The terror masters, such as Iran, have similarly not limited their support for jihadism to groups that threaten Israel, but have waged a global campaign against the West
He strikes me as a pretty smart and capable guy. What does smart have to do with anything as to being a stooge/proxy?
There are bright puppets all over the world.
Stooge/puppet whatever the semantics does not equate to low IQ.
Quit changing the subject.
Is it not possible that he benefits from sharing common ideals with the Iranians, Absolutely you are making my earlier point.
Sure they share common goals.
They both want to see more and more Islamic governments.
and if so, how does that automatically make him a stooge?So the Arab gvts getting US Aid and military goods are stooges but when the same thing happens
with the Islamist/Iran they are "oh so smart like Nasrrallah? Oh ok gotcha!
When did he ever sacrifice the welfare of Hezbollah to serve the interests of Iran? They are basically one in the same as far as interests.
But there are reports Iran took away some power from Nasrallah because of mistakes
made in last summer's war with Israel.
Don't they (Iran) give him rockets, money, advisors and training? Exactly, to the tune of over a 100 million.
How do you know the Iranians aren't HIS stooges? Well how do you know the US isn't the stooge for Mubarack?
Oh or is always different again?
The person getting 100 million in aid knows the aid has strings attached.
It's not really brain surgery to figure that out.
Without Iran Hezbollah collapses.
Again, you are talking straight out of your ass about stuff you really know nothing about.More insults when you are busted?
Gosh sitting on that "stolen land" in Canada must be making you dizzy.
Yeah I sit on "stolen land" and condemn Israel for not giving back territory.
You are such a fraud.
Am I denying Nasrallah does not envison an Islamic Caliphate? How the hell would you or anyone else know WHAT Nasrallah envisions? Do you deny that I am envisioning a naked Sophia Loren? Get a fucking grip for Christ sake.Yeah the Islamist movement does not envision toppling gvts and replacing them with Islamic gvts.
Yeah I need to get a grip.
All this violence all over the world by Islamist every day is not about toppling gvts and replacing the gvts with Islamic Gvts. Yeah not in Chechnya, not in Somalia, not in Pakistan, not in Thailand, not in Jordan. not in the Philippines, not in Ethiopia, not in India/Kashmir, ect ect ect ect ect ect I'm tired of typing!

Do you really have to use the "F" word and Christ in the same sentence?
"Hezbollah helps the Shiite militias in Iraq"
Geeze, when did THAT become a fucking crime?
Oh, I know - - different Shiite militias than the ones the U.S.A. is helping. Gotcha.Quit changing the subject because you are busted.
When I said "Hezbollah is helping terrorist in Iraq" that was not a comment on the
criminalty of it it was to answer your bogus claim that they "
Uhh, reality check.
Hezbollah operates in Lebanon. ONLY in Lebanon"
They are helping Hezbollah in Iraq and helping other stooges of Iran elsewhere.
A senior Lebanese Hezbollah operative, Ali Mussa Dakdouk, was captured March 20 in southern Iraq.
Nasrallah has acknowledged sending secret agents carrying weapons to the West Bank.
In the late 1990s, a Hezbollah cell was found in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Your implication that they are limited to Lebanon is just flat wrong.