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« on: February 29, 2008, 12:59:01 AM »
What You Didn't Know About Obama and Rezko
February 28, 2008 1:12 AM

Rick Moran explains how the ?Agent of Change? got involved with a real estate developer indicted for political corruption and fraud.

by Rick Moran

Do you feel lost and left out because when someone mentions ?Rezko? you think it?s that company that makes frisbees? (Sorry, but you?re confusing ?Wham-O? who make that backyard widow-maker ?Slip ?n Slide? with a political fixer who?s just plain slippery.)

Are you confused by the head spinning machinations of Barack Obama that allowed him to purchase a house worth $2.6 million (with a vacant lot next door that can be accessed only through the property where the house sits) for around $1.65 million? (Don?t worry, so is most of the press.)

Do you wonder why this ?Agent of Change? and modern day prophet Barack Obama would have gotten himself involved with a man indicted for political corruption and fraud?

Well, allow me to clear things up for you. Following is a little primer on Rezko, Obama, and how Windy City politics can have its way even with new messiahs.
To set the stage, you have to remember that we?re talking about Chicago. This is ?The City That Works.? No one disputes that. The question is who it ?works? for. If you?re a member of the Democratic Machine, it works wonderfully.

First of all, you have no Republican opposition to speak of. That?s because (little known fact) there is an elixir added to the city water supply that alters the brain chemistry of smart, independent thinking kids and turns them into slavish Machine voters by the time they?re 18 years old.

The enthusiasm for the Democratic Machine is incredible. There are even documented instances where the desire to vote Democratic in Chicago carries on even beyond death. Having voted on Election Day all their adult lives, the dead have been known to rise from their graves in cemeteries all across the city, answering some irresistible urge not understood by science, and pull the lever for whoever the Machine tells them to.

So to be a part of this Machine is to belong to something special. And the Machine doesn?t just embrace politicians. It also nurtures an army of businessmen, contractors, entrepreneurs, shady operators, sleaze balls, and outright criminals who feed off city contracts and depend on politicians to grease the system to funnel the goodies their way. In return, the politicians get campaign contributions, fancy dinners at 5-star restaurants, sweetheart deals on everything from cars to houses, and occasionally cold, hard cash.

This is a city where the politician, the businessman, and the criminal element constantly rub shoulders and have been known to exchange hats on occasion. Every once and a while, an ?insurgency? rears its head and runs an independent slate of candidates. Sometimes, they meet with limited success ? especially after some mind-blowing example of sleaze has been splashed across the papers for a couple of months prior to the election.

But the Machine goes on. It either absorbs the newcomers or ignores them. Eventually they tire of bucking the tide and either quit or are defeated.

This then is the political world where Prophet Barack began his career. Now for your Rezko-Obama Primer.


Antoin ?Tony? Rezko is a Syrian born businessman who was known in Chicago political circles as ?a fixer.? Need to get a waiver of some kind of regulation to close a real estate deal? Call Tony. Want your kid to intern in the office of a United States senator? Call Tony. Are the wheels of government turning too slowly and need to have a legislator or two goose the bureaucracy? Call Tony.

Rezko had a lot of friends and associates because he collected politicians like a kid collects baseball cards. He was a fundraiser with the ability to shake the money tree for his political friends.

Entrepreneur, real estate tycoon, developer, and pal of the powerful, by all accounts Tony Rezko had his fingers in many pies.

He was also, according to Sun Times political reporter Carol Marin, a ?staggeringly talented shakedown artist?:

    Carol Marin wrote in the January 3, 2007, Chicago Sun-Times that the ?feds believe that Rezko was a staggeringly talented shakedown artist who traded plum appointments for large donations? to Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, ?got massive ?consulting fees? for himself and his friends in exchange for state investment business, and, along the way, wiggled his way into all manner of lucrative deals and contracts, some of which came with government tax breaks or subsidies.

    ?If that was the extent of Rezko?s magic, he would still be just another accomplished but mundane player in the riotous world of Chicago corruption. But that isn?t the end of his story. It seems, today, like it?s only the beginning.

    ?Rezko, let?s remember, was ?traveling? internationally when his indictments were handed down. He has interesting friends the world over. The emir of Qatar is a pal. The former Iraq electricity minister, Aiham Alsammarae, who resides in west suburban Oak Brook when he?s not on the lam from a Baghdad lockup, is a Rezko business colleague who?s been indicted in connection with $2 billion in missing money meant to rebuild Iraq?s infrastructure. The feds are investigating what role Rezko may have had in that deal.

The Feds are also looking at Rezko?s long time business relationship with Patti Blagojevich, the governor?s wife, as well as minority contracts won by Rezko?s various businesses.

In short, Tony Rezko is as shady as they come in Chicago politics.


Rezko was indicted on October 11, 2006 on 24 fraud related counts:

    A 24-count indictment unveiled Wednesday by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald charges Mr. Rezko, 51, in an ?extensive? fraud scheme in which he allegedly demanded payments from firms wanting work from a huge state pension fund and favorable rulings from a state board that regulates hospital developments. Mr. Fitzgerald said the illegal activities constituted ?a pay-to-play scheme on steroids.

    ?It was a feeding frenzy. People were feeding at the trough for millions of dollars,? he said.

    How extensive was this kickback scheme? After Governor Blagojevich was elected, Rezko handed him a 26 page list of people he was recommending for jobs in the new administration. Contained in that list were people being recommended by Barack Obama. One of those names was the real estate agent who handled the controversial sale of a house to Obama.

How many of the people on that list actually got a job in state government? Jack Lavin, the CFO of Rezko?s company Rezko Enterprises, was named head of the Illinois Department of Economic Opportunity. And Kelly King Dibble, who was in charge of business development for Rezko?s real estate development company, got a real plum; executive director of the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

Gee. No conflict of interest there.


Tony Rezko created a real estate development company in 1989 called Rezmar. Their intent was to purchase decrepit housing, renovate it, and turn it into low income rentals for the poor. At the time, there was a city wide effort to rehab older structures instead of building new low income housing. Over the next 9 years, Rezmar purchased 30 buildings and got $43 million in city funds for rehab.
Eventually, Rezmar turned to a small, left wing law firm Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland to assist in the paperwork associated with government contracts and other real estate legalities. DMB & G employed a young lawyer named Barack Obama. By this time, Rezko was aware of Obama - having offered him a job at Rezmar following Obama?s graduation from Harvard. The only problem was that Rezko didn?t care about maintaining the buildings:

    Rezko and Mahru had no construction experience when they created Rezmar in 1989 to rehabilitate apartments for the poor under the Daley administration. Between 1989 and 1998, Rezmar made deals to rehab 30 buildings, a total of 1,025 apartments. The last 15 buildings involved Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland during Obama?s time with the firm.

    Rezko and Mahru also managed the buildings, which were supposed to provide homes for poor people for 30 years. Every one of the projects ran into trouble:

        * Seventeen buildings ? many beset with code violations, including a lack of heat ? ended up in foreclosure.
        * Six buildings are currently boarded up.
        * Hundreds of the apartments are vacant, in need of major repairs.
        * Taxpayers have been stuck with millions in unpaid loans.
        * At least a dozen times, the city of Chicago sued Rezmar for failure to heat buildings.

This would be a classic definition of a slumlord. And Obama?s involvement with Rezmar during this period? The ?Yes we can? man isn?t saying much:

    For five weeks, the Sun-Times sought to interview Obama about Rezko and the housing deals. His staff wanted written questions. It responded Sunday but left many questions unanswered. Other answers didn?t directly address the question. Among these: When did Obama learn of Rezmar?s financial problems? ?The senator had no special knowledge of any financial problems,? Gibbs wrote.

    Did the senator ever complain to anyone ? government officials, Rezmar or Rezko ? about the conditions of Rezmar?s buildings? ?Senator Obama did follow up on constituency complaints about housing as [a] matter of routine,? Gibbs wrote.

    Did the senator ever discuss Rezmar?s financial problems with anyone at his law firm? ?The firm advises us that it [is] unaware of any such conversations,? Gibbs wrote.

The campaign claims that Obama was a ?junior lawyer? whose jobs included ?reviewing documents, collecting corporate organizational documents, and drafting corporate resolutions.? But Obama was with the firm for nine years. Are we to believe he was still doing scut work while Rezko was giving the city the runaround regarding the condition of those properties?


Obviously, Saint Barack wouldn?t be caught dead with a crook like this.

But Obama the ambitious politician? That?s another story.

If you listened to Obama, you would think that he barely knows Rezko. He has told the press he had lunch with him ?a couple of times a year? and that he and his wife socialized with the Rezkos ?2 to 4 times a year.?

This may be true. But wouldn?t you love to pull his phone records for the last 17 years and find out how many times he spoke with Rezko?

Rezko saw something in Obama right off the bat, donating $2,000 to Obama in his first race for state senate. In fact, he was one of the first donors to that campaign. Through the years, Obama estimates that Rezko donated around $60,000 to his campaigns. That doesn?t include monies the rainmaker made fall from heaven.

At the end of Obama?s failed attempt to unseat Congressman Bobby Rush, he was in desperate need of cash. A quick call to Tony and thousands of dollars showed up as Rezko tapped his business friends for his pal. This is a man Obama described as a ?one time fundraiser? who over the years may have raised as much as $150,000 for Obama. (Note: Rezko also raised money for George Bush and a few other Republicans.)


There were small things, such as hiring the son of one of Rezko?s associates as an intern in his senate office. And there were a little larger favors:

    As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials supporting his political patron Tony Rezko?s successful bid to get more than $14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens.

    The deal included $855,000 in development fees for Rezko and his partner, Allison S. Davis, Obama?s former boss, according to records from the project, which was four blocks outside Obama?s state Senate district.

    Obama?s letters, written nearly nine years ago, for the first time show the Democratic presidential hopeful did a political favor for Rezko?

The fact that the proposed housing was outside of the district he represented as a state senator is an interesting addendum to the story. With no real political interest of his own or any benefit for his constituents, Obama (playing the oldest and most cherished of political games) rubbed the back of a man who had rubbed his ? to the tune of $855,000.

Obama has denied doing any favors for Rezko. He is right. Putting pressure on bureaucrats to give a crony a contract worth $855,000 in personal fees is beyond ?favor? and enters the realm of corrupt deal.

Then there was the strange case of Obama intervening with the State Department on behalf of one of Rezko?s business associates who was being denied entry to the US because he was considered an ?undesirable alien.?

One of the richest men in the world, Nadhmi Auchi, who Rezko owed more than $27 million in ?loans,? was looking to come to Chicago. After receiving another ?loan? from Auchi, Rezko told prosecutors that he approached Senator Obama to try and get a visa for the billionaire. Obama denies he was approached and there is no record (yet) of any entreaties he made to the State Department on Auchi?s behalf.

Auchi himself stands convicted in a French court of fraud as part of the most spectacular corporate scandal in Europe since the end of the war; the ?Elf Affair? where dozens of executives of the French oil company Elf stole 2 billion francs for houses, yachts, jewelry, and other expensive gewgaws.

It was Auchi who, in the end, probably made it possible for Obama to purchase his current house.


Three weeks prior to Obama?s purchase of a fine, old Georgian mansion in the city?s Kenwood area, Auchi ?loaned? Rezko another $3.5 million. The loan came through one of Auchi?s offshore holding companies. All of these loans to Rezko would eventually be ?forgiven? when Rezko gave Auchi a bigger stake in a huge 62-acre development near Riverside Park.

The sellers of the house also owned a vacant lot adjacent to the property. But since the lot could only be accessed through the property where the house sat, it would have been pretty worthless to anyone except the owner of the dwelling. Offering price for both: $2.6 million.

This turned out to be a little steep for Obama who had just received a $1.2 million advance on a book. No problem for Mr. Fixit. Obama went in on a deal where Mrs. Rezko plunked down $125,000 for the $625,000 vacant lot. The sellers say that they gave Obama a $300,000 discount because his was the highest bid. The fact that Obama was the only one bidding on the house raises some eyebrows considering the neighborhood and the market at the time. Obama claims the house had been on the market 3 months which is not a long time considering the $2 million asking price and the complication of the vacant lot next door.

By paying full freight for the vacant lot ? a lot that could never be developed unless bought by Obama ? Rezko got his pal his dream house at a substantial discount.

The sellers have declined to talk directly to the media and have answered questions through Obama campaign headquarters. This might be considered strange in some quarters. But not if you?re considered the new messiah of politics.

The Auchi ?loan? could very well have financed the whole deal. Court documents a year later show Mrs. Rezko making a salary of $37,000 with $35,000 in assets. Poor Tony reported that he had ?no income, negative cash flow, no liquid assets, no unencumbered assets [and] is significantly in arrears on many of his obligations.?

And that brings us to the final finagle; the sale of part of that vacant lot by Rezko to Obama.

It seems that Tony was in dire straits financially. He offered to sell a 10 X 150 foot parcel of the lot, valued at $40,500 dollars to Obama. His long time pal agreed, paying more twice the appraised value ? $104,000. Obama claims it was to increase the size of his garden.

Some garden, huh?

For someone he supposedly barely knew, Obama and Rezko sure did each other a lot of favors.


There is no evidence that in any of his dealings with Rezko that Obama broke any law. The question is one of ethics. And judgment, of course. And truthfulness. Obama?s relationship with Rezko is much more extensive than he has ever admitted. Their 17-year relationship went beyond ?one fundraiser? as Obama claims, and a few social dates with the gals.

Rezko was a patron, a valued supporter, and a business partner. And almost certainly a close friend as well.

The significance of this relationship is that it proves that Barack Obama is not who he claims to be ? a new kind of politician who will lead us all to the Promised Land. Obama can lie like any normal politician. He can do favors for his supporters who give him money. He can do business with scam artists like Rezko whose illegal activities authorities are still trying to unravel.

Given what we know already, there doesn?t seem to be a ?bottom? to this story yet. And what we find when we get there may yet prove to be Barack Obama?s undoing as a candidate for President of the United States.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 07:21:17 AM »
They are already planning to zap Obama in the alley.

Ooo look, he's a Syrian gangster! watch out, Israel fans!

Call this story"New Swiftboats Launched on Whitewater II"
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 12:30:28 PM »
Ludicrous bullshit.  This stuff is child's play compared to McCain's role as one of the Keating Five.  McCain's favours were done for a convicted felon and helped him to steal hundreds of millions of dollars by breach of trust.  Sleazier than that you cannot get.  The Senate Ethics Committee criticized McCain for "questionable conduct."  I think rather than just skim the top of that story and accept the Senate Committee's evaluation of their colleague's conduct, the entire probe of the Keating Five should (and will!) be re-visited so the voters themselves can get a full 360-degree view of McCain's conduct and decide for themselves just how "questionable" - - or worse - - it really is.  Similarlly, this sleazeball fascist's more recent favours done for a lady friend, angrily denied by McCain, are starting to look more interesting since McCain has denied meeting with the lady's lobbyist, and the lobbyist remembers the meetings very well.

Rezko may indeed be a Syrian (bad!  evil!) but he's evidently a Christian Syrian (yaaay!  good!) , which the article took pains to conceal.  Presumably, even indicted Syrians are innocent until proven guilty and duly convicted.  Not that you'd ever garner that from browsing through this article.

Obama, OTOH, worked for a law firm which acted for a bad Syrian.  Did he not know that law firms should never take on bad Syrians as clients?  ALL ethical law firms have only good Americans for clients.  But Obama chose to breach that ethical barrier and work for a law firm whose client roster included at least one bad Syrian.  Shameful!!!  Outrageous!!!

The rest of the article continues on in this vein.  Obama wrote letters for his client.  (And he calls himself a lawyer??)  It gets worse:

<<And Obama?s involvement with Rezmar during this period? The ?Yes we can? man isn?t saying much:>>

This so-called lawyer won't tell the press what advice he gave his client??  WHAT KIND OF A LAWYER IS THIS??  WHAT could be more unethical than refusing to spread your client's confidential business dealings all over the front pages of the local and national media?

And still worse:  Rezko recommended people for government jobs to politicians he had known and befriended.  OBAMA, the dirty bastard, had recommended some of the very same people!!!  Holy shit, what's next?  They both like the same kinds of movies?  They both ate in the same restaurants???

Oh, man, this is hilarious.  The problem with these kind of articles is that the bullshit is laid on so thick that only a professional writer can take the time to dissect this garbage line-by-line.  For the average dumb-schmuck Amerikkkan voter, they have barely time to skim through the whole thing, nowhere near the brain-power required to analyze each line and realize how ridiculous it is, and have to evaluate the thesis on the "where there's smoke there's fire" basis, concluding that of so many accusations of wrongdoing, SOME of them will have to stick to Obama.

This seems to be effective fascist propaganda.  Pure innuendo of course, but it'll work because the voters are too fucking dumb to deal with it appropriately.

I think the best antidote is the Keating Five scandal, given the same treatment as this Rezko piece.  Bulk the whole story up with sarcasm and mega-doses of innuendo (What did McCain REALLY get for his help to Keating's sinking scam operations?) , but flesh it out with real-life portraits of the scandal's victims, ordinary working people who got ripped off by Keating and lost their life savings, keep the focus on McCain - - show pictures of his home, his new wife, etc., all the good life and wealth that he accumulated as the scandal's victims were stripped of all they owned) and stay off the other four (three of whom were more deeply implicated than McCain) - - all the reader needs to come away with is that "the Keating Five" helped orchestrate the outrageous rip-offs and that McCain was and still is and will always be one of the Keating Five.  That as the scandal's victims were stripped naked, McCain grew fat and rich.

I really believe that properly handled, (as was the Rezko story here) the Keating Five scandal can be the death-knell of the McCain campaign.  But nobody should touch it until it's official that McCain will be the fascist candidate for President.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 02:39:56 PM »
McCain was exonerated in the Keating 5 scandal.  Obama hasn't had his day in court.

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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 04:11:59 PM »
<<McCain was exonerated in the Keating 5 scandal.>>

No he was not exonerated.  The ethics committee criticized his "questionable conduct." 

But that's why I hope Obama will not just make a passing reference to the scandal, but will lay out in detail everything that McCain did AND will speculate (as did the article on Rezko) in depth on the possible benefits that McCain might have reaped and the additional favours that McCain might have performed in addition to what actually came to light.

I hope once all of McCain's Keating Five activities are re-examined in depth in the light of the prevailing circumstances at the time, the people can judge for themselves whether or not he should have been let off with such a slight slap on the wrist and just how much "integrity" he displayed.  Glossing over the story, merely with a "Keating Five" sound-bite allows sound-bite response ("He was exonerated") and the whole thing fizzles harmlessly out.

Obama can win with this thing, but it has to be handled right.  Everything that McCain DID has to be put under the microscope, as does the suffering of the victims, so that the electorate can see that real people were really hurt by McCain's shenanigans, they were robbed and ruined while he got rich at their expense.  THAT'S what people need to see, not a one-liner, "He was exonerated, case closed, move on.")


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2008, 05:26:55 PM »
Harry Trueman was a Politician promoted by a Dem Machine.

If Obama can be half the presedent Harry Trueman was , he will be about 2' 9" tall


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2008, 05:46:49 PM »
No he was not exonerated.  The ethics committee criticized his "questionable conduct." 

Personally, I think it was all the doings of the other four Democratic Senators, and they just slapped McCain's wrist to make it appear "balanced." He was the "token Republican."

« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 05:48:50 PM by Amianthus »
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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2008, 06:25:32 PM »
Obama's dealings with Rezko don't pass the smell test.

I think the VP picks in this race will loom large.

In fact they may be the deciding factor.

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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2008, 06:41:06 PM »
<<Obama's dealings with Rezko don't pass the smell test.>>

But the Keating Five smell just like roses.

<<I think the VP picks in this race will loom large.>>

Yahoo News is showing some squib that Obama is considering Kucinich.  The Israel Lobby won't like that one bit, but I would've supported Kucinich for President.  STILL think he oughtta be President.

<<In fact they may be the deciding factor.>>

Kucinich would be a very unhappy Veep.  He wants the U.S. out and he's not just posturing.  Whereas I'm afraid Obama is.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2008, 06:44:17 PM »
Obama problem is not the Keating 5. His problem is his dealings with Rezko.

McCains problem is the Keating 5, which he shares with 4 democrats.

One problem is current.

The other is from the wayback machine.

And Obama can't be stupid enough to pick Kucinich.

He will pick someone like Richardson or Evan Bayh.

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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2008, 06:53:49 PM »
<<Obama problem is not the Keating 5. His problem is his dealings with Rezko.>>

Nobody will be convicted of anything by November.  Keating went to prison.

<<McCains problem is the Keating 5, which he shares with 4 democrats.>>

None of whom are around any more.

<<One problem is current.

<<The other is from the wayback machine. >>

Character isn't evanescent.  Once a crook, always a crook.  The guy betrayed his constituents and was slammed by a Senate ETHICS committee.  He escaped his just punishment by pulling strings, which probably explains why he wasn't caught again until recently, when he did some improper favours for an attractive lady friend, who of course he denies having sex with.  However his denial of meeting with her lobbyist was blown by the lobbyist himself, who remembers their meetings quite clearly.

I really believe the Keating Five story, properly handled, with sufficient dwelling upon the destitute victims, the actual known facts, the improbability of McCain's denials and the emphasis upon the two opposite movements - - as the S&L victims were stripped of all they had, McCain was growing richer and fatter off of . . .  off of WHAT, precisely?  Here is where innuendo coupled with powerful circumstantial evidence can have a killer effect on McCain's "straight talk" express BS.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2008, 07:21:34 PM »
McCain was growing richer and fatter off of . . .  off of WHAT,

Is McCain a wealthy man, or did he marry into money? I don't think he has grown rich on a Senate salary.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #12 on: February 29, 2008, 07:26:08 PM »
 McCain's money
Net Worth: $40.4 million

Where he got it

McCain wouldn't exactly be poor were he on his own. As a senator he earns $165,200 a year, and he has a $54,000 Navy pension. And then there's publishing.

"Faith of My Fathers," his autobiography, was on bestseller lists for 24 weeks in 1999.

Since then he has produced about a book a year, recently "Hard Call," about good decisions and how historic figures made them.

In 2006 he took in about $225,000 in royalties, but over the years, income from books has totaled about $1.7 million, all of which he has donated to charity.

He can afford to be generous. His wife Cindy is the chairman of Hensley & Co., the Anheuser-Busch beer distribution business she inherited from her father. As an only child, Cindy is in charge of the family trusts.

Although she only has to report that she has a salary of $1,000 or more, her income from investments in 2006 came to about $3.7 million.

Where it goes

Except for checking accounts, all the McCain assets are in Cindy's name or those of their dependent children. Nearly $5 million sits in two generation-skipping trusts.

She receives the income, but the principal passes to her heirs. One holds mostly J.P. Morgan mutual funds and Anheuser-Busch stock, while a second trust has only Arizona municipal bonds.

Other trusts that benefit Cindy contain a variety of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. She also owns shares in two large medical buildings in Phoenix, a guesthouse near the couple's home in Sedona and an investment property in Coronado Beach, Calif.

Another $6 million in J.P. Morgan funds is held in the name of their four children.

How he could do better

In the Navy, McCain no doubt learned to keep things tidy, and the couple's finances are shipshape. They - and Cindy's father - "have clearly given a great deal of thought to their estate," says Christopher Cordaro, wealth manager at RegentAtlantic Capital.

Cordaro has just one worry: "Everything except $50,000 is in her name or in trust for her and the children," he says. "I'd advise the senator to keep Cindy very happy - or have a good prenuptial agreement."

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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2008, 10:08:49 PM »
<<His wife Cindy is the chairman of Hensley & Co., the Anheuser-Busch beer distribution business she inherited from her father. As an only child, Cindy is in charge of the family trusts.>>

Oh, yeah.  Cindy.  He dumps his first wife after an auto accident puts her in a wheelchair (for better or for worse, in sickness and in  . . . aaaahh, fuhgeddabowdit) and trades up to Cindy.  A beer heiress, no less.  Wonder how the conservative, family values, religious right, Christian Republican voters sit with that one?  Oh yeah, I know - - forgiveness.  They always pull that one out at the last minute to justify the most unsavoury bedfellows.  Jesus hung out with prostitutes and thieves.  He forgave everybody.  We forgive McCain!  (We won't forgive dat bitch Jane Fonda, but we rush forward to forgive McCain.  Hilarious.)

Anyway, I think a good, exhaustive review of this guy's character - - abandonment of an injured wife, member in good standing of the Keating Five, promotion of his lady friend's business interests - - ought to do wonders for the Obama campaign.  It'll make that Rezko thing vanish into the stratosphere.


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Re: drip,drip,drip
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2008, 03:35:14 AM »
It'll make that Rezko thing vanish into the stratosphere.

Doubtful. Obama still lives in the house of questionable purchase. Circumstances are similar to Randall Cunningham. Certainly a favorite whipping boy of the left.

The Keating 5 begat McCain Feingold. Which should make McCain look good to the MoveOn Soros crowd since that empowered them.

They both have problems.

The VP choice looms large.