My eldest daughter, a flaming Democrat Obama fan, was born in Mons, Belgium while I was stationed in SHAPE in 1981. She was, of course, a US Citizen born abroad. But some are now saying John McCain, born in the canal zone to military parents, cannot constitutionally run for President because he is not a "natural-born" citizen. The Canal Zone was, at least, a US territory and McCain was born on a US military post. Belgium is a foreign country and my daughter was born on a NATO installation.
This is, of course, ridiculous. The intent of the founders in this case is obvious. Nobody wanted someone to "carpetbag" by moving in from a foreign country and becoming a citizen, ultimately to control the government. With children like McCain and my daughter, born to US Citizens who happen to be abroad, especially in military or diplomatic service, such concerns are unfounded.
Ain't politics fun?