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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #270 on: March 25, 2008, 10:41:51 AM »
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
Executive Summary


PREMISE: All students will reach proficiency or better levels of achievement by school year 2013-2014.

Standards and Assessment
Accountability and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Corrective Action
Staff Qualifications
Parental Involvement
Standards and Assessment

    * States must adopt challenging academic standards that apply to all children
    * Standards must specify what children are expected to know and be able to do
    * Standards must describe advanced, proficient, and basic levels of achievement
    * Standards for math, reading, and language arts must be in place by July 1, 2002
    * Standards for science must be in place by school year 2005-2006
    * Yearly academic assessments in math, reading and language arts must be administered at least once between grades 3 and 6, grades 7 and 9, and grades 10 and 12
    * Beginning 2005-2006 annual assessments must be given every year between grades 3 and 8
    * Beginning 2007-2008, assessments must be given in science
    * Students with limited English proficiency (LEP) must take their reading/language arts assessment in English if they have attended schools in the United States for three consecutive years
    * All students with LEP must take an annual English proficiency assessment beginning in 2002-2003

Accountability and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

    * States must develop a single statewide accountability system that applies to all public schools and all students regardless of participation in the Title 1 program
    * AYP is the minimum level of improvement that school districts must achieve every year
    * The state will develop a definition of AYP (In PA 45% will achieve proficiency(p) in reading/language arts(r/l), 35% will achieve proficiency(p) in math for the year 2002-2003; 54% p in r/l, 46% p in math 2004-2006; 68% p in r/l, 62% p in math 2007-2009 )
    * AYP is reported for each school as a whole and broken out into the following subgroups:
          o economically disadvantaged students
          o students from major racial or ethnic groups
          o students with limited English proficiency
          o students with special needs
    * Each state will determine the number necessary to qualify as a subgroup(in PA N=40)
    * At a minimum, schools must meet two requirements to make AYP. Schools must ensure that 95% of students take the assessments and the school as a whole and each subgroup must meet the measurable objectives established by the state(in PA 45% p in r/l; 35% p in math) and meet one other factor established by the state (in PA attendance rate in elementary and middle; graduation rate in high school)
    * Schools and school districts can still make AYP if they achieve safe harbor, reducing by 10% the number of non-proficient students and meeting the threshold for the other indicators ( in PA attendance or graduation rate)

Corrective Action

    * Schools that fail to make AYP for 2 consecutive years are identified for corrective action
    * The family is offered the option to transfer to another public school of its choice within the district
    * The district must pay for transportation
    * The lowest achieving students from low-income families must be given first preference
    * Lack of capacity does not excuse an LEA from operating a choice program
    * Supplemental educational services from an approved list of providers are arranged if the school fails to make AYP for 3 years
    * Providers are exempt from certain requirements applicable to schools such as ?highly required? requirements
    * If a school fails to make AYP for 5 years, the Lea must restructure the school and if the school fails to make AYP for a sixth year, alternative governance must be implemented

Staff Qualifications

    * Teachers of core academic subjects must earn state certification or achieve the qualifying score on the appropriate content test
    * All public school teachers teaching core subjects must meet these requirements no later than the end of the 2005-2006 school year
    * A paraprofessional must have completed 2 years of higher education, earned an associate?s degree or passed a formal state or local assessment
    * NCLB increases its emphasis on professional development

Parental Involvement

    * Families must be given more information about the achievement of their children
    * Families must be given more information about the performance of the schools
    * Families must be notified when the children are taught for more than 4 weeks by teachers who are not highly qualifies
    * The families have the right to demand information about the credentials of the teachers
    * Families of LEP children must be promptly notified when their children are recommended for inclusion in language instruction programs
    * Families have the right to opt out of language inclusion programs at any time


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #271 on: March 25, 2008, 10:51:59 AM »
Gary...currently, we are NOT ALLOWED TO TEACH SUCH THINGS in the public schools. Nor are we "allowed" to teach science and social studies. I posted that point..and the fact that it is not just in New MExico.
You refuse to hear me.

That's just the tip of the ice berg, dear man.

The NCLB ACT has managed to do away with quality. Bottom line.

Please point to the part of the  NCLB that sets curriculum. Seems that is a state function. Perhaps your ire should be better placed there.

Previously you blamed NCLB for assessment tests taking place in February. Further investigation showed that to be a state function.


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #272 on: March 25, 2008, 10:54:24 AM »
Teachers here do not make $40,000, and the average house costs well over $300K.
$40,000 might be a princely sum in whatever podunk place you live in, but life in any city costs a lot more than that.
I have colleagues i my university that have PhD's that cannot afford even a condo.

Perhaps they piss away too much on the physical plant, perhaps they have too many administrators, perhaps they pay administrators too much, but there is no way that teachers can live a middle class existence on what they are paid, and they leave after a few years.

Your opinion is that they should be banned from paying union dues (as if $300 a year is enough to buy a house with) and the teachers unions should be powerless to assist the teachers in making a decent salary. You have no such right, and should be given no such right.

If poor education could just pile up, rot in the street, and smell to high heaven like garbage, teachers could just strike and wait for the situation to become intolerable. It's pretty much what the school boards deserve for running schools so poorly.

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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #273 on: March 25, 2008, 11:01:36 AM »
Nor are we "allowed" to teach science and social studies. I posted that point..and the fact that it is not just in New MExico.

Actually, NCLB mandates the teaching of science; it's one of the required testing areas.
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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #274 on: March 25, 2008, 11:10:58 AM »
Teachers here do not make $40,000, and the average house costs well over $300K.

Average teacher's salary in Florida is $45,296.

Miami-Dade averages, broken down by degree level:

Bachelor's: $44,004
Master's: $52,908
Specialist: $61,646
Doctor's: $62,191
Total Average: $49,191

Median house price in Miami is $295,000. However, the 25th percentile is under $200,000 (1/4 of the houses available are below $200k). A house costing $200k is well within the range of someone earning over $40k/yr.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #275 on: March 25, 2008, 11:30:40 AM »
Median house price in Miami is $295,000. However, the 25th percentile is under $200,000 (1/4 of the houses available are below $200k). A house costing $200k is well within the range of someone earning over $40k/yr.

Wow, that's a hell of a lot better than Seattle.  It's not too bad out where I live (about 80 miles from Seattle) but I know that in Seattle it's awful.


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #276 on: March 25, 2008, 11:47:19 AM »
Sirs,  You will never know what's what in all of this, because you refuse to see.  You are in the dark...and yet You continue to bark.  Your passion to prove wrong only hurts our children., hands down.

Now, let's replace the subject of education, with the subject of the Iraq war, and instead of children, will replace that with our U.S. Soldiers and Iraqi civilians

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #277 on: March 25, 2008, 01:44:58 PM »
You still don't have any idea what you are talking about, Sirs, but you go right ahead and jump around play the chess game with checker rules. Children need and deserve better.

The war was not supposed to be a WAR as we see it. Bush promised in and out quick feet....sweet tweet...
instead..we have an occupation and blood all over the place for what? "oops" on the part of Bush?
Let's call him Judas, betraying the spirit of all children---   who deserved the Trillions of dollars spent.
They are our future, and yet, they will suffer because of such lust for blood and power. I would rather provide a child with a book than with a gun. We are so quick to do the reverse in this country. Support war at all cost?!
Oh, and the world is ahead of us there, as well. hmmmm Should we try to compete with the Islamic factions that teach their children to kill? Now, there's a way to provide vouchers! Let's put the pressure on the military to sign up every young person for war in the near future.

Bush betrayed this country.

We are never going to get back the precious dollars we could have spent here at home.


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #278 on: March 25, 2008, 01:59:06 PM »
The war was not supposed to be a WAR as we see it. Bush promised in and out quick feet....sweet tweet...
instead..we have an occupation and blood all over the place for what?....Bush betrayed this country.

Bought into the DNC talking points I see.  Hmmmmmmm   :-\   And just validating the accusation, you've been trying to level at me, regarding education.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #279 on: March 25, 2008, 02:01:55 PM »
but is a 200k house near a crack house ?

there is a cost to low price homes
is it really a good idea for a teacher to live in such a house ?


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #280 on: March 25, 2008, 02:11:14 PM »
The war was not supposed to be a WAR as we see it. Bush promised in and out quick feet....sweet tweet...
instead..we have an occupation and blood all over the place for what?....Bush betrayed this country.

Bought into the DNC talking points I see.  Hmmmmmmm   :-\   And just validating the accusation, you've been trying to level at me, regarding education.

Consider yourself.... 'LEVELED"... ;)


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #281 on: March 25, 2008, 02:18:31 PM »
but is a 200k house near a crack house ?

I seriously doubt 25% of Miami houses are near crack houses.

If they are, Miami has a much more serious drug problem than they let on.
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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #282 on: March 25, 2008, 02:19:38 PM »
The war was not supposed to be a WAR as we see it. Bush promised in and out quick feet....sweet tweet...
instead..we have an occupation and blood all over the place for what?

Actually, Bush said that it was going to be a long war. Just because many did not listen, does not mean he didn't say it.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #283 on: March 25, 2008, 02:22:56 PM »
maybe not all are near
but when houses cost that low
there are factors that sometimes go into effect
crime, poorly made house,small house ,powerlines or simply it`s a low cost house


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Re: California judge says no to homeschooling
« Reply #284 on: March 25, 2008, 02:35:51 PM »
The cheapest houses here are not houses at all, but condos, and the condo price does not include the maintenance fees, which are geerally upwards of $200 per month. Public transportation is inadequate for most people to travel to work.

Recently, the School Board gave a raise, and then hit the teachers with a huge increase in what they had to pay for their healthcare and copays.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."