Author Topic: BT -  (Read 13089 times)

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Re: BT -
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2008, 05:42:50 PM »
Ironic, isn't it     ;D
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Re: BT -
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2008, 05:57:10 PM »
I knew there was something about Ami that wasn't right, now I know what it is.   ;D

He's actually one of the better people in here (and actually, there are several) about taking the time to make a coherent, persuasive, and impersonal argument.  I'm surprised that Knute would feel the need to cast him as an extremist when there are some on both the left and right (and me in the middle) who probably fit that title better.  BTW Ami, guess what I got today?

A Nokia N800.

Thanks for the suggestion, now if only I can figure out how to work it, and remember not to carry it in my pocket at work, where it'll be ruined by weld spatter in a matter of days.


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Re: BT -
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2008, 06:02:35 PM »
Thanks for the suggestion, now if only I can figure out how to work it, and remember not to carry it in my pocket at work, where it'll be ruined by weld spatter in a matter of days.

Start by upgrading the OS to OS2008 - it comes with OS2007 and the Opera browser, while OS2008 has Mozilla.

You should be able to go through the upgrade directions pretty trivially. If you have any problems, see my contact info over <=== there.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2008, 08:57:04 PM »
I have to say, it pains me greatly to think of the Saloon going by the boards (no pun intended).  But BT is absolutely correct in what he says.  I haven't been as active as I once was because of being a lot more busy, but it is really astounding to have the exchange that UP and I had held up as an example of good debate.  Frankly, while both UP and I made good points, most of it was deutero-debate and some of it was rude, arrogant and anything but civil.   UP and I are capable of far better.

The problem is that we have a dichotomy.  Civil debate requires certain ground rules, because political debate is, by nature, conflict and that often becomes personal.  I choose to avoid religious doctrinal debate for just that reason.  If we are to keep an atmosphere conducive to intelligent debate and a good social hang out in the bargain, we have to discipline ourselves.  Yet there are many who consider limiting the use of foul language and personal attacks to be censorship.  Some will leave if the atmosphere continues to be poisoned by the kinds of foul-mouthed rants and personal attacks that fills so many of these posts.  Some will leave if we limit those.  Frankly, part of me wouldn't miss most of the latter, but part of me would.  I sure miss terra, even though she was often prone to flaming.  I enjoy reading Brass's posts, even when he gets going full-tilt on how deluded we "Xians" are.  I would even miss MT, even though his anti-American rants are damned offensive to me.  We recently had a pretty good indication of how the members are willing to tolerate what would normally be considered inappropriate social behavior when the majority of us voted not to ban Rich for his comments to terra.  Most of us come here for more than debate.  We come here for the friends we have come to know and respect on the site.  We are willing to take a certain amount of brawling because we know that none of us are perfect.   

There is, however, another point.  Several of us have taken leaves of absence for a breather, because sometimes this place just gets way too personal - and it brings out the worst in us.  I used to slam Knute for fun.  I had no substantive point to make against his arguments, because I didn't find them substantive in the first place.  So I wasted a lot of psychic energy and cognitive power dreaming up really nasty insults.  It was self-indulgence of the most petty kind, and I am sorry that I did it.  As Rich has quite correctly pointed out, I should have just ignored him and gotten on with my cyber-life.  I'm pretty sure this is true of a lot of other excellent debaters on this site.  Sometimes you just indulge yourself in a flame session because the person on the other end of the network has given you some flimsy excuse.  Flame ups are bound to happen in a forum like this, but given the talent and intelligence we have here, they should be few (or at least feweR) and far between.   

I have in my mind the idea that perhaps we should consider having the opposite of the cesspool.  There should be a forum on this site that DOES have ground rules.  AMong those rules might be a prohibition on foul language and personal attacks.  But there could also be an understanding that substantive debate is required.  Every post need not be brilliant, but we can make points without resorting to phrases like "commie bastard" "wingnuts" "bedwetters" "baby killers" "Child murderers" and such.  We should strive to rise above the Rush Limbaugh.Al Franken kind of argument, which relys heavily on stigmatizing the other side and only occasionally considers the merits of the argument.

We could, of course, do this right here.  But one almost wonders if it is too late.  It may be that, like an email account that is overrun with spam, we should just leave the saloon for the drunks and those of us who prefer a more refined brew should move it upstairs.  I like the saloon, a lot.  I am not actually making the suggestion that we start another forum (in fact, IIRC we tried that a few times and few showed up).  I think there may even be some who would view such a forum as a bit too lofty for them to feel comfortable.  (Not everyone on this site is blessed/cursed with the disproportionate ego I have.)  So maybe that's not such a great idea.  But I think we SHOULD limit posts to those which at the very least refrain from the use of foul language (and yes, you CAN make a point about those rotten liberals/commies/Americans/Christians/Muslims/Kiwanis without foul language).   We should at least acknowledge that someone without the capacity to criticize an element of society in polite terms instead of resorting to silly terms like "Repugs" and "DemocRATS" - or childish ridcule of that nature really cannot claim to be intelligent or mature.  We should learn to consider and acknowledge the merits of another side's arguments, even when we can't agree with them.  In short, we should act like rational, intelligent adults instead of combatants and spectators at a WWF wrestling match.

I do not come here (in spite of the song lyrics I wrote several years ago) to solve the world's problems.  I come here to learn, to teach where appropriate, to sharpen my cognitve and writing skills, to understand complex problems and to enjoy the companionship of people with good minds and interesting opinions.  I don't want to see that end.  I do want to see it move to a higher level, and I think to do so would require adherence to something like those ground rules I have suggested.  But I wouldn't want to lose the atmosphere either.  Yeah, it is a dichotomy. 
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Re: BT -
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2008, 09:04:40 PM »
Start by upgrading the OS to OS2008 - it comes with OS2007 and the Opera browser, while OS2008 has Mozilla.

You should be able to go through the upgrade directions pretty trivially. If you have any problems, see my contact info over <=== there.

Thanks Ami, I'll be messing with it tomorrow trying to get to how I want it.  I have a friend that is pretty handy with technology (I still use hand tools for carpentry), but if I run into anything I'll give you a shout.


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Re: BT -
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2008, 09:05:24 PM »
Now that was one good post Pooch, even if I'm guilty of some of it.


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Re: BT -
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2008, 09:09:05 PM »
Thanks Ami, I'll be messing with it tomorrow trying to get to how I want it.  I have a friend that is pretty handy with technology (I still use hand tools for carpentry), but if I run into anything I'll give you a shout.

I'll be out and about, but you can call my GrandCentral number if you need. You can dig around a bit from the contact info to the left to find it.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2008, 10:04:11 PM »
Now that was one good post Pooch, even if I'm guilty of some of it.

Ain't nobody throwing stones here, fatman.  I'm as guilty as anyone and moreso than a lot.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2008, 10:47:25 PM »
You want substantive? Honest? Open?

Pssshhhh! Been there and tried that, only to be accused of being 'dishonest', or not being 'rational' or 'sensible', or being called an outright liar. Some folks in here can't acept the fact that two people can form different opinions given the same set of facts, and have to belittle anyone who doesn't see things their way. When they start slinging the old fazoola around, my response generally depends on my mood and the kind of day I've had, and I don't apologize for not pulling any punches telling people what I think of them when they start that crap.

I'm willing have substantive, honest and open discussions with anyone in here, up to that point. One of the reasons I don't hang out in here as much as I used to, even when I'm not working my tail off, is just that - some folks just can't seem to not pass that point, and I'm damned tired of having to defend myself every time I post something.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2008, 11:17:27 PM »
Some folks in here can't acept the fact that two people can form different opinions given the same set of facts, and have to belittle anyone who doesn't see things their way. 

Exactly.  That is the character trait that leads to bigotry,  violence, and other forms of extremism.  And we have that in spades in our society and in our saloon.  That is an inescapable fact.

I'm willing have substantive, honest and open discussions with anyone in here, up to that point. One of the reasons I don't hang out in here as much as I used to, even when I'm not working my tail off, is just that - some folks just can't seem to not pass that point, and I'm damned tired of having to defend myself every time I post something.

Why do you have to defend yourself?

I know you WANT to defend yourself, and I am no different.  But when you stop and think about it, why?  I started a debate with MT a while back and he immediately started misrepresented what I was saying.  I started to correct him and then I realized, what's the point?  He isn't going to change his opinion.  Some people will read what he writes and believe him and some won't.  It's no big deal.  I can spend time better debating with someone likely to offer a good exchange.  Don't get me wrong, I understand your point, and I am not on a high horse.  But it seems to me that we spend far too much time worrying that our honor has been hurt when somebody insults us.  Sometimes it's best to simply suffer fools gladly, or at least remember that they are fools.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2008, 12:43:32 AM »

Frankly, while both UP and I made good points, most of it was deutero-debate and some of it was rude, arrogant and anything but civil.

Oh yeah, bub? Well, I-

UP and I are capable of far better.


Yeah, that is true.

I can get, er, cranky at times.

Talking here is irritating sometimes. Explain and explain and explain, and sometimes people react as if you had explained nothing and instead insulted their mothers. I guess I've done that last part too. It's life. Sometimes I just take a break from this place. Sometimes I'm here taking a break from something else.

Despite my occasional outbursts, I still like this place. Back when the naming of the forum went on, I proposed Three Dead Horses Saloon because it fit, I thought, what the forum was about. We're generally no convincing anyone, debating any topic over and over, and it's a place for adults. We're going to get testy and some folks are gonna cuss, and sometimes fights will break out. Sometimes we just need to tell people no, that's not appropriate behavior here. That sucks, but it's a reality.

I'd dislike to see this place go down. I don't discuss politics much with people in person because I've enough troubles without getting into arguments over politics. Here, I say my mind, and walk away if I have to, and I don't have to walk on eggshells when I do it. I hope that remains true.

Not saying I don't need to work on my own behavior here. I do. I really am a nice guy. Things are... not smooth, and sometimes my... emotional level spills over. It's life.

Sometimes I think some folks need to put on their long pants (and this sometimes means me) and deal with the fact that not ever conversation here is going to be academic and free of emotion and cussing. Sometimes I think some folks need to get out of the sandbox and learn to try to communicate like adults.

Most of all, we pretty much all need to do the one thing this forum should be able to help us accomplish, realize that we need to get along with people who don't agree with us whether it's a little or a lot. Sometimes that means keeping one's mouth shut (fingers still?). Sometimes it means taking a break before one reacts emotionally. There is no win between competing ideologies here. You'll never convince everyone. You'll never always be right, even if you think you are. The only real win is the sharpening of minds, and everyone has to figure out how that works for himself. Or herself.

Then again, sometimes folks just don't get along. It's life.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2008, 03:40:00 AM »
Ok, I've read every post in this thread.....
Reminds me of 2001/2001/2002 threads of plenty, threads of voices heard, felt, and tossed like a salad.

Give me a break...nothing has changed and nothing will.


Human nature...bitch, whine, spew and hold contempt for...become bored, tormented, passionate self righteous, and counter attack, if not argue to the full extent of the place card.

Come on .....this saloon will never stop having a host of passion for what is felt or spoken at the grass root level. This saloon will never stop creating powerful  poster thread leaders who in terms of what is worth the argue...hold supreme.

............this saloon will always have a lot to offer ----or a lot to matter the cost of the statement, no matter the truth in the moment. Thins will change, and thing will feel good /then bad.

We post in a time of poliical upheavel, in a time of personal responses to death, life and love of country.

We post because we are bored, not happy, addicted to, or just plain happy to be aboard real live people who are willing to find out more about ths sou.

We post. Period.
No rules..humans should have no rules at the heart of the essence that is humaniy.

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Re: BT -
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2008, 04:10:53 AM »
We post. Period.
No rules..humans should have no rules at the heart of the essence that is humaniy.

Unfortunately, that is the sort of idea which ends in violence, hatred and other evils.  As an example, I think abortion is killing a child.  Since killing a child is a terrible evil, I can't see any reason to compromise on the issue.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I would be willing to give myy life to save a child from death.  Better yet, why not prevent that death by taking the life of the person who would cause it?  That's why people bomb abortion clinics.

I'm not saying anyone here is going out to strap on a backpack, but my point is that people have manners for a reason.  I think it was here that someone said people in the old west had fewer fights  because you never insulted a man you weren't willing to fight and you never fought a man you weren't willing to kill or be killed by.  Ground rules that are held in common give a frame of reference that helps us avoid the extremes.  When things get hairy, a simple reminder like "Smile when you say that, son" gives a chance to fall back on the guidelines before it gets out of hand.  In a situation like political discussion, personal convictions can be very emotionally high.  It is necessary to develop a thick skin, true.  But it is also important to remember that however right our viewpoint may be, we are not justified in treating others like garbage.  I don't think that stifles debate; I think it improves it.
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Re: BT -
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2008, 04:34:52 AM »
Talking here is irritating sometimes. Explain and explain and explain, and sometimes people react as if you had explained nothing and instead insulted their mothers.

HEY!  You leave my mother outta this!

I guess I've done that last part too. It's life. Sometimes I just take a break from this place. Sometimes I'm here taking a break from something else.

Purty darn lyrical, there UP.  Good point, too. 

Despite my occasional outbursts, I still like this place. Back when the naming of the forum went on, I proposed Three Dead Horses Saloon because it fit, I thought, what the forum was about. We're generally no convincing anyone, debating any topic over and over, and it's a place for adults. We're going to get testy and some folks are gonna cuss, and sometimes fights will break out. Sometimes we just need to tell people no, that's not appropriate behavior here. That sucks, but it's a reality.

Exactly, and I'm not suggesting the place become sterile.  It's just that sometimes the level of debate gets far beyond the kind of intensity that you and I just got into.  I would feel a little uncomfortable having my Bishop read the thread that you and I just had, but I would never let him go near some of the stuff I have posted in debate with MT and I would claim ID theft if he read some of the stuff I've posted to Knute.  I have had to learn to ignore put downs of my faith, slams on my fellow soldiers and general insults about my political views.  Otherwise I would spend my whole time at the saloon engaged in flame wars.  In a sense, it's good to go through some of that because it is helping to humble me a bit and temper my tendency to armor up everytime someone rubs me the wrong way. The problem with learning patience is that it requires you to already have a bit of what you are striving to obtain.  The more I let my ego get the better of me and regret posts I re-read, the more mature I get.  A steady diet of crow and humble pie gets to be boring.  But while I have seen a lot of posters on this forum make those kinds of strides, I worry that we have lost far too many good posters who take their talents elsewhere in the process. 

When we use this forum to vent, we do so to some degree with a bit of anonymity.  I wouldn't know a one of you if I bumped into you on the street.  I doubt that most of us would debate the same way we do here if we were in the same room, partially at least because it might end up with fists flying, but also because we tend to treat people standing in front of us like humans.   Posting on a forum we get to just vent our feelings, without having to see the immediate emotional result.  It's great for us, but it can really cause pain to others.  If we were all in the same room, the kind of behavior we see in here would cause most of us to leave the room pretty quickly, and the ones left would be getting carted off in handcuffs not much later.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2008, 08:39:09 AM by Stray Pooch »
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Re: BT -
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2008, 07:52:34 AM »
Sometimes it's best to simply suffer fools gladly...

I don't seem to have that gene.

Why do I have to defend myself? Look at the other day - folks were discussing various president's military backgrounds, and I mentioned that even JuniorBush was in the military, when he wasn't skipping out - referring to his missing a required flight physical, and later asking for an early out. Bang, right off I'm accused of being a liar. I don't know about you, but where I come from you don't call a person a liar unless you have proof, or you're liable to end up seriously injured, or worse. But that goes on in here all the time when I, or anyone else, says something some of these folks don't agree with. I'm tired of having my honesty, integrity, intelligence and patriotism insulted by some of these folks. I admit, I get right damned testy when it happens, and I won't hesitate a second to let folks know how I feel about it, but damn, if I don't, who will? We've gone over and over this civility thing, and I'll tell you, when folks are civil and reasonable with me, I'm more than happy to return the favor. When they start slinging the shit, though, I'm more than happy to sling it right back.
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